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Dongui Bogam_01_Heo Jun's Explanatory Comments [集例] [Heo Jun's Explanatory Comments] 臣謹按人身內有五藏六府, 外有筋骨肌肉血脉皮膚, 以成其形, 而精氣神, 又爲藏府百體之主. As I have observed, humans have five viscera and six bowels inside, sinews and bones, flesh, blood vessels, and skin outside, which forms a physical shape, essence, qi, and a spirit, which are the master of the viscera, bowels, and the whole body. Thus the Daoists' Three Principles (三要) and Buddha's Four Greats .. 2023. 12. 19.
Meditation groups in the Philippines Meditation Classes https://meditationphilippine.org/ Dhamma Phala Vipassana Meditation as taught by S.N. Goenka in the tradition of Sayagyi U Ba Khin https://phala.dhamma.org/ Brahma Kumaris Philippines https://www.brahmakumarisph.org/ Brahma Kumaris Philippines Spiritual Foundation, Inc 7484 Bagtikan Street San Antonio Village Makati City Philippines KARABEMISYOGA https://karabemisyoga.com/tag/.. 2023. 12. 14.
Samseonggi 1 by An ham-ro [Samseonggi 1] 1. Founding of Hwanguk by Heavenly Sovereign Hwanin The state founded by our Hwan people was the most ancient of all states. Residing in the heaven of the Great Radiance, the One Spirit alone is the source of universal creation-transformation. The One Spirit illumines the universe with Its radiance, gives birth to all existence through Its supreme power of creation-transformation,.. 2023. 12. 11.
Spirit Teaching’s Three Daos and the Realization [神敎의 三道 精神과 性·命·精과 眞·善·美의 實現 問題] 大辯經에 曰왈 神市氏는 以佺修戒하사 敎人祭天하시니 所謂佺은 從人之所自全하야 能通性以成眞也오. 靑邱氏는 以仙設法하사 敎人管境하시니 所謂仙은 從人之所自山하야 能知命以廣善也오. 朝鮮氏는 以倧建王하사 敎人責禍하시니 所謂倧은 從人之所自宗하야 能保精以濟美也라. 故로 佺者는 虗焉而本乎天하고 仙者는 明焉而本乎地하고 倧者는 健焉而本乎人也니라. [Spirit Teaching’s Three Daos and the Realization of: Nature, Life, Essence; Truth, Goodness, Beauty] Daebyeongyeong records: “The ruler of Sinsi (the first Hwanung of Baedal) studi.. 2023. 12. 11.
Samguk Yusa, “Ancient Joseon” [三國遺事, 古朝鮮] 魏書에 云, 乃徃二千載에 有壇君王倹이 立都阿斯逹하시고 開國 號朝鮮하시니, 與髙同時니라. 古記에 云, 昔有桓國하니 庻子桓雄이 數意天下하야 貪求人世어늘 父知子意하고 下視三危太伯하니 可以弘益人間이라 乃授天符印三箇하사 遣徃理之하시니라 雄이 率徒三千하사 降於太伯山頂 神壇樹下하시니 謂之神市요 是謂桓雄天王也시니라 將風伯雨師雲師 而主糓主命主病主刑主善惡하사 凡主人間三百六十餘事하사 在世理化시니라. 時에 有一熊一虎가 同穴而居러니, 常祈于神雄하야 願化爲人이어늘 時에 神遺 霊艾一炷와 蒜二十枚하시고 曰, 爾軰食之하라 不見日光百日이라야 便得人形이리라. 熊虎得而食之러니 忌三七日에 熊得女身이나 虎不能忌하야 而不得人身이라 熊女者無與爲婚 故로 每於壇樹下에 呪願有孕이어늘 雄乃假化而㛰之하사 孕生子하시니라 號曰壇君王倹이시.. 2023. 12. 11.
Preface to Shuzhuan Preface to Shuzhuan (Preface to the Commentaries on The Book of History) In the winter of the Year of the Yellow Sheep, a year before he passed away, Teacher Zhu Xi enjoined me to compose commentaries on The Book of History. It has taken me ten years to complete these commentaries, which contain tens of thousands of words. Oh, how can I speak of The Book of History easily? It records the Two Emp.. 2023. 12. 11.
Song of Damul Heungbang [多勿興邦歌] 神敎와 儒佛仙의 精髓 集大成 先去者爲法兮여 後來爲上이로다. 爲法故로 不生不滅이오 爲上故로 無貴無賤이라. 人中天地爲一兮여 心與身이 卽本이로다. 爲一故로 其虛其粗가 是同이오 卽本故로 惟神惟物이 不二로다. 眞爲萬善之極致兮여 神主於一中이로다. 極致故로 三眞歸一이오 一中故로 一神卽三이로다. 天上天下에 惟我自存兮여 多勿其興邦이로다. 自存故로 處無爲之事오 興邦故로 行不言之敎라. 眞命之大生이 性通光明兮여 入則孝하고 出則忠하라. 光明故로 衆善을 無不奉行이오 孝忠故로 諸惡을 一切莫作하라. 惟民之所義는 乃國爲重兮여 無國我何生고 國重故로 民有物而爲福이오 我生故로 國有魂而爲德이라. 魂之有生有覺有靈兮여 一神攸居之爲天宮이로다 三魂故로 智生을 可以雙修오 一神故로 形魂을 亦得俱衍이라. 俾我子孫으로 善爲邦兮여 太白敎訓이 .. 2023. 12. 10.
Samsin Sangjenim, the Source of Dao [仙人 有爲子가 傳한 天地 大道의 道言] 道의 根源은 三神上帝님 時에 有爲子가 隱於妙香山하니 其學이 出於紫府先生也라 過見熊氏君한대 君이 請爲我陳道乎아 對曰 道之大原이 出乎三神也로이다. 道旣無對無稱하니 有對非道오 有稱亦非道也로이다. 道無常道나 而隨時가 乃道之所貴也오 稱無常稱이나 而安民이 乃稱之所實也로이다. 其無外之大와 無內之小에 道乃無所不含也로이다. 天之有機는 見於吾心之機하고 地之有象은 見於吾身之象하고 物之有宰는 見於吾氣之宰也니 乃執一而含三하고 會三而歸一也니이다. 一神所降者는 是物理也니 乃天一生水之道也오 性通光明者는 是生理也니 乃地二生火之道也오 在世理化者는 是心理也니 乃人三生木之道也니이다. 盖大始에 三神이 造三界하실새 水以象天하시고 火以象地하시고 木以象人하시니 夫木者는 柢地而出乎天하야 亦如人이 立地而出하야.. 2023. 12. 10.
Seohyosa: The Roots of the Korean People [誓效詞] 戊寅元年이라. 壬子三十五年이라 會諸汗于常春하시고 祭三神于九月山하실새 使神誌發理로 作誓効詞하시니 其詞에 曰 朝光先受地에 三神赫世臨이로다 桓因出象先하사 樹德宏且深이로다 諸神議遣雄하사 承詔始開天이로다 蚩尤起靑邱하시니 萬古振武聲이로다. 淮岱皆歸王하니 天下莫能侵이로다 王儉受大命하시니 懽聲動九桓이로다 魚水民其蘇오 草風德化新이로다 怨者先解怨이오 病者先去病이로다 一心存仁孝하시니 四海盡光明이로다 眞韓鎭國中하니 治道咸維新이로다 慕韓保其左하고 番韓控其南이로다 巉岩圍四壁하니 聖主幸新京이로다 如秤錘極器하니 極器白牙岡이오 秤榦蘇密浪이오 錘者安德鄕이로다 首尾均平位하야 賴德護神精이로다 興邦保太平하야 朝降七十國이로다 永保三韓義라야 王業有興隆이로다 興廢莫爲說하라 誠在事天神이로다 [Seohyosa: The Great Epic .. 2023. 12. 10.
Truth, Goodness, and Beauty: The Creative Virtue of Samsin [眞·善·美는 三神의 創造 德性] 高麗八觀記의 三神說에 云 上界主神은 其號曰天一이시니 主造化하사 有絶對至高之權能하시며 無形而形하사 使萬物로 各通其性하시니 是爲淸眞大之軆也시오 下界主神은 其號曰地一이시니 主敎化하사 有至善惟一之法力하시며 無爲而作하사 使萬物로 各知其命하시니 是爲善聖大之軆也시오 中界主神은 其號曰太一이시니 主治化하사 有最高無上之德量하시며 無言而化하사 使萬物로 各保其精하시니 是爲美能大之軆也시니라 然이나 主体則爲一上帝시니 非各有神也시며 作用則三神也시니라. [Truth, Goodness, and Beauty: The Creative Virtue of Samsin] The following is recorded in “Samsinseol” (“Treatise of the Triune Spirit”) of.. 2023. 12. 10.
The Way of the Sovereign, Teacher and Father [君師父의 道] 庶物之有虛粗同軆者는 惟一氣而已오 惟三神而已라. 有不可窮之數하며 有不可避之理하며 有不可抗之力하야 有或善不善이 報諸永劫하며 有或善不善이 報諸自然하며 有或善不善이 報諸子孫이니라 人物이 同受三眞이나 惟衆은 迷地하야 三妄이 着根하고 眞妄이 對하야 作三途하니라. 父道는 法天하야 眞一无僞하고 師道는 法地하야 勤一无怠하고 君道는 法人하야 協一无違니라. [The Way of the Sovereign, Teacher and Father] Among all things, it is solely within the One Qi (一氣) and Samsin (三神) where the intangible spirit and tangible matter reside as one. Within Samsin exist.. 2023. 12. 10.
The Door to Enlightenment [道通의 關門] 性命精이 爲三關이오 關은 爲守神之要會니 性不離命하며 命不離性하니 精在其中이니라. 心氣身이 爲三房이오 房은 爲成化之根源이니 氣不離心하며 心不離氣하니 神在其中이니라. 感息觸이 爲三門이오 門은 爲行途之常法이니 感不離息하며 息不離感하니 觸在其中이니라. 性은 爲眞理之元關이오 心은 爲眞神之玄房이오 感은 爲眞應之玅門이니 究理自性이면 眞機大發하고 存神求心이면 眞身大現하고 化應相感이면 眞業大成이니라. 所驗有時하고 所境有空하니 人在其間이니라. [The Door to Enlightenment] Nature(性), life(命), and essence(精) are the three latches. The term latch here refers to the most important stronghold for.. 2023. 12. 10.
Three latches, chambers, and doorways for Self-realization [眞我 成就의 三關, 三房, 三門 作用] 大辯經에曰 惟天一神이 冥冥在上 乃以三大三圓三一之爲靈符者로 大降降于萬萬世之萬萬民하시니 一切가 惟三神所造오 心氣身이 必須相信이나 未必永劫相守하며 靈智意三識이 卽爲靈覺生三魂이나 亦因其素以能衍하며 形年魂이 嘗與境으로 有所感息觸者오 而眞妄相引하야 三途乃歧하니 故로 曰有眞而生하고 有妄而滅이라 於是에 人物之生이 均是一其眞源하니라 [The Three Latches, the Three Chambers, and the Three Doorways for Self-realization] The following is recorded in the Daebyeongyeong (“Scriptures of Great Discourse”): The One God (Samsin Sangjenim.. 2023. 12. 10.
Preface to Dangun Segi Preface to Dangun Segi (“Annals of the Dangun Dynasty”) When it comes to ruling a state, why is nothing more crucial than an unyielding spirit among scholars or more urgent than bringing to light the state’s history? If history is not clearly established, the unyielding spirit of scholars does not manifest. If the unyielding spirit of scholars does not manifest, the foundation of the state will .. 2023. 12. 9.
Yeompyomun, A writing to be inscribed in your mind [念標文] 天은 以玄默爲大하니 基道也 普圓이요 基事也 眞一이라 地는 以蓄藏爲大하니 基道也 效圓이요 基事也 勤一이라 人은 以知能爲大하니 基道也 擇圓이요 基事也 協一이니라. 故로 一神降衷하사 性通光明하니 在世理化하야 弘益人間하라 [Yeompyomun, A writing to be inscribed in your mind] The following was the Yeompyomun preached by Dangun Dohae: Heaven is magnificent in its unfathomable mysteriousness and deep silence. The dao of heaven is all-embracing, for it is far-reaching. Heaven’s work is to unite.. 2023. 12. 9.
Sam-il-sin-go 5 Humans and All Things 5. 人物 (167字) 人物이 同受三眞이나 惟衆은 迷地하야 三妄이 着根하고 眞妄이 對하야 作三途니라. 曰性命精이니 人은 全之하고 物은 偏之니라. 眞性은 善無惡하니 上哲이 通하고 眞命은 淸無濁하니 中哲이 知하고 眞精은 厚無薄하니 下哲이 保하나니 返眞하얀 一神이니라. 曰心氣身이니 心은 依性이나 有善惡하니 善福惡禍하고 氣는 依命이나 有淸濁하니 淸壽濁妖하고 身은 依精이나 有厚薄하니 厚貴薄賤이니라. 曰感息觸이니 轉成十八境하니 感엔 喜懼哀怒貪厭이오 息엔 芬寒熱震濕이오 觸엔 聲色臭味淫抵니라. 衆은 善惡과 淸濁과 厚薄이 相雜하야 從境途任走하야 墮生長消病歿의 苦하고 哲은 止感하며 調息하며 禁觸하야 一意化行하고 改妄卽眞하야 發大神機하나니 性通功完이 是니라. Chapter 5 Humans and All Things “Hum.. 2023. 12. 9.
Sam-il-sin-go 4 The World 제4장 세계世界 (72자) 爾觀森列星辰하라 數無盡하고 大小와 明暗과 苦樂이 不同하니라. 一神이 造群世界하시고 神이 勅日世界使者하사 轄七百世界하시니 爾地自大나 一丸世界니라. 中火震盪하야 海幻陸遷하야 乃成見象하나니라. 神이 呵氣包底하시고 煦日色熱하시니 行翥化遊栽의 物이 繁殖하니라. Chapter 4 The World “Look at the stars spread infinitely across the sky. Just as their number is limitless, dissimilarity exists between largeness and smallness, brightness and darkness, and suffering and pleasure. Sangjenim created myriad wo.. 2023. 12. 9.
Sam-il-sin-go 3 The Heavenly Palace 3. 天宮 (40字) 天은 神國이라 有天宮하야 階萬善하며 門萬德하니 一神攸居오 群靈諸哲이 護侍하나니 大吉祥大光明處라 惟性通功完者라야 朝하야 永得快樂이니라. Chapter 3 The Heavenly Palace “Heaven is the realm of Sangjenim and the spirits. There stands the heavenly palace. The stone steps of its entryway were crafted with all forms of goodness and its door was crafted of all forms of virtue. It is a place honored by the presence of the One God, Sangjenim. All spirit.. 2023. 12. 9.
Sam-il-sin-go 2 The One God 2. 一神 (51字) 神이 在無上一位하사 有大德大慧大力하사 生天하시고 主無數世界하시며 造牲牲物하시니 纖塵無漏하며 昭昭靈靈하사 不敢名量이라 聲氣願禱면 絶親見이러니 自性求子면 降在爾腦시니라. Chapter 2 The One God (51 characters) “Occupying the uppermost prime position, Samsin Sangjenim (the One God) gave birth to heaven, presides over innumerable worlds, and creates the vast multitude of all things even the most infinitesimal speck of dust, with His great virtue, magnificent wisd.. 2023. 12. 9.
Sam-il-sin-go 1 The Void and Emptiness 1. 虛空 (36字) 帝曰 爾五加와 衆아 蒼蒼이 非天이며 玄玄이 非天이라 天은 無形質하며 無端倪하며 無上下四方하고 虛虛空空하야 無不在하며 無不容이니라. Chapter 1 The Void and Emptiness The Heavenly Emperor proclaimed: “Five Ministers and people of the realm! The infinite blue above is not heaven; the infinitely distant is not heaven. Heaven has no form or properties; no beginning or end; no above or below; and no east, west, south, or north. It is emptiness ext.. 2023. 12. 9.
The Hymn of the Immortal Balguiri [仙人 發貴理 頌歌] 大一其極이 是名良氣라 無有而混하고 虛粗而妙라 三一其軆오 一三其用이니 混妙一環이오 軆用無歧라 大虛有光하니 是神之像이오 大氣長存하니 是神之化라 眞命所源이오 萬法是生이니 日月之子오 天神之衷이라 以照以線하야 圓覺而能하며 ​大降于世하야 有萬其衆이니라 故로 圓者는 一也니 無極이오 方者는 二也니 反極이오 角者는 三也니 太極이니라 [The Hymn of the Immortal Balguiri, He Who Attended the Offering Ritual for Samsin Sangjenim in Heaven] The immortal Balguiri lived during the Sinsi era. He studied under the same teacher as Daeho (Taeho; Tae.. 2023. 12. 9.
11. Cheonbugyeong_il jong mu jong il [一終無終一] [일종무종일, il jong mu jong il] One is the end; in Nothingness ends One. What is the real meaning of the beginning and the end? The end of a cycle always opens up the door of the following cycle. 2023. 12. 8.
10. Cheonbugyeong_in jung cheon ji il [人中天地一] [인중천지일, in jung cheon ji il] Humanity, united with Heaven and Earth, is the Ultimate One. What is the genuine value and mission of humanity in a cycle of creation and transformation in the universe? 2023. 12. 8.
9. Cheonbugyeong_bon sim bon tae yang ang myeong [本心本太陽昻明] [본심본태양앙명, bon sim bon tae yang ang myeong] The Basis is the mind, which shines radiantly like pure yang. What is the pure basis of all creations and transformations? 2023. 12. 8.
8. Cheonbugyeong_il myo yeon man wang man rae [一玅衍萬往萬來 用變不動本] [일묘연만왕만래 용변부동본, il myo yeon man wang man rae yong byeon bu dong bon] One proliferates in mysterious ways while coming and going endlessly, a great change to the Functions brings forth the immutable Basis. What is the ultimate goal of all the circulations of creation and transformation in Heaven, Earth, and Humanity? 2023. 12. 8.
7. Cheonbugyeong_un sam sa seong hwan o chil [運三四成環五七] [운삼사성환오칠, un sam sa seong hwan o chil] The movement of a cycle starts with Three and Four; the circulation completes under Five and Seven. What are the roles of three and four, and five and seven in the cyclical pattern of creation and transformation? 2023. 12. 8.
6. Cheonbugyeong_dae sam hap yok saeng chil pal gu [大三合六 生七八九] [대삼합육생칠팔구, dae sam hap yok saeng chil pal gu] The Great Three unite into Six, which then gives rise to Seven, Eight, and Nine. How will the world of number 10, the matured status of Heaven, Earth, and Humanity be opened? 2023. 12. 8.
5. Cheonbugyeong_cheon yi sam ji yi sam in yi sam [天二三 地二三 人二三] [천이삼 지이삼 인이삼, cheon yi sam ji yi sam in yi sam] Based on Two, Heaven circulates under Three. Based on Two, Earth changes under Three. Based on Two, Humanity creates under Three. What is the underlying principle that equally applies to all creation and transformation in Heaven, Earth, and Humanity? It is the function of Three within Two. 2023. 12. 8.
4. Cheonbugyeong_il jeok sip geo mu gwe hwa sam [一積十鉅 無匱化三] [일적십거무궤화삼, il jeok sip geo mu gwe hwa sam] One accumulates and opens as Ten without deficiency due to Three's creative change. How is the ultimate goal of Heaven, Earth, and Humanity to be achieved? Cheonbugyeong shows that it will be fulfilled by opening the world of number 10. Ten is considered the number of perfection or completion of God's “divine order.” Pythagoras said "In the .. 2023. 12. 8.
3. Cheonbugyeong_cheon il il ji il yi in il sam [天一一 地一二 人一三] [천일일 지일이 인일삼, cheon il il ji il yi in il sam] Arising from One, Heaven is One. Arising from One, Earth is Two. Arising from One, Humanity is Three. What is the goal of the three major creators that arose from the One? According to Yeompyomun, Heaven is magnificent for its mysteriousness and silence, and its work is to unite all into one through truthfulness. Earth is grand for its .. 2023. 12. 8.