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Dongui Bogam42

Dongui Bogam_42_Five viscera and Six bowels [五臟六腑] [Five viscera and Six bowels] 先儒嘆, 世人務窮天地萬物之理, 不知我之一身, 五藏六府, 毛髮筋骨之所存, 況醫者乎. 《入門》 A wise man in the past lamented that "People study the creation of the heaven and earth but do not know the principles of how their own five viscera and six bowels, hair, muscles, and bones originated. Would not it be the most important for doctors to know these principles?!" 內經曰, 言人身之藏府中陰陽, 則藏者爲陰, 府者爲陽, 肝心脾肺.. 2023. 12. 21.
Dongui Bogam_41_Names of Spirits in the Body [人身神名] [The Names of Spirits in the Body] 黃庭經曰, 肝神龍烟字含明. 形長七寸, 靑錦衣, 鳳玉鈴, 狀如懸瓠, 其色靑紫. 心神丹元字守靈, 形長九寸, 丹錦飛裳, 狀如未開垂蓮, 其色赤. 脾神常在字魂停, 形長七寸六分, 黃錦之衣, 狀如覆盆, 其色黃. 肺神皓華字虛成, 形長八寸, 素錦衣裳, 黃雲之帶, 狀如華盖覆磬, 其色紅白. 腎神玄冥字育嬰, 形長三寸六分, 蒼錦之衣, 狀如圓石, 其色黑. 膽神龍曜字威明, 形長三寸六分, 九色錦衣, 綠華裙, 狀如懸瓠, 其色靑. The Scripture of the Yellow Court (黃庭經) says, "The name of the liver spirit is Yongyeon (龍烟, smoke of dragon) and its alias is Ham-.. 2023. 12. 21.
Dongui Bogam_40_Forgetfulness [健忘 Forgetfulness] 靈樞曰, 黃帝問人之善忘者, 何氣使然. 岐伯對曰, 上氣不足, 下氣有餘, 腸胃實而心肺虛, 虛則榮衛留於下, 久之不以時上, 故善忘也. 又曰, 腎盛怒而不止則傷志, 志傷則喜忘其前言. Divine Pivot (靈樞) says the following. "Huangdi (黃帝) said, 'What causes one to become forgetful?' Qibo (岐伯) said, 'It is because upper qi is deficient and lower qi is excessive; hence the intestines and stomach are excessive but the heart and lungs are deficient. When nutrient and de.. 2023. 12. 21.
Dongui Bogam_38_Throbbing [怔忡 Throbbing] 戴氏曰, 怔忡者, 心中躁動不安, 惕惕然如人將捕者, 是也. 多因汲汲富貴, 戚戚貧賤, 不遂所願而成也. Dai Yuanli (戴氏) said, "Throbbing is being anxious while the heart pounds or being fearful of someone chasing after oneself. It occurs when one is engrossed in money, worries about one's poverty, or when one cannot achieve one's desires." 綱目曰, 怔忡, 心動而不寧也. The Compendium of Medicine (綱目) says, "Throbbing is being uncomfortable w.. 2023. 12. 21.
Dongui Bogam_38_Sorts of Seven Emotions [喜 Joy] 內經曰, 心在志爲喜. 又曰, 心實則笑, 笑則喜. 又曰, 暴喜傷陽. 又曰, 喜怒傷氣. 又曰, 喜怒不節, 寒暑過度, 生乃不固. 又曰, 喜則氣緩. 盖喜則氣和志達, 榮衛通利, 故氣緩矣. The Inner Classic (內經) says, "The mind of the heart is joy." It also says, "One laughs if the heart is excessive. To laugh is to be joyous." It also says, "Being joyous all of a sudden damages yang." It also says, "Getting angry all of a sudden damages qi." It also says, "If one cannot con.. 2023. 12. 21.
Dongui Bogam_37_Spirit Commands the Seven Emotions [神統七情傷則爲病] [The Spirit Commands the Seven Emotions; One Gets Sick When the Seven Emotions Are Damaged] 心藏神, 爲一身君主, 統攝七情, 酬酢萬機. 七情者, 喜怒憂思悲驚恐也. 又魂神意魄志, 以爲神主, 故亦皆名神也. 《內經註》 The heart stores spirit and does a lot of work by commanding the seven emotions as the master of the body. The seven emotions refer to joy, anger, anxiety, thought, sorrow, fright, and fear. Also, because spirit is the master of.. 2023. 12. 21.
Dongui Bogam_36_The Five Viscera Store the Seven Spirits [五藏藏七神] [The Five Viscera Store the Seven Spirits] 內經曰, 五藏所藏, 心藏神, 肺藏魄, 肝藏魂, 脾藏意, 腎藏志. 又曰, 脾藏意與智, 腎藏精與志, 是謂七神. 註云, 神者, 精氣之化成也. 魄者, 精氣之匡佐也. 魂者, 神氣之輔弼也. 意者, 記而不忘者也. 志者, 專意而不移者也. The Inner Classic (內經) says, "What the five viscera store are as follow: the heart stores spirit, the lungs store the earthly soul, the liver stores the heavenly soul, the spleen stores ideation, and the kidneys store will.. 2023. 12. 21.
Dongui Bogam_35_Heart Stores Spirit [心藏神] [The Heart Stores Spirit] 臞仙曰, 心者, 神明之舍, 中虛不過徑寸, 而神明居焉. 事物之滑, 如理亂棼, 如涉驚浸. 或怵惕, 或懲創, 或喜怒, 或思慮, 一日之間, 一時之頃, 徑寸之地, 炎如火矣. 若嗜慾一萌, 卽不善也. 歸而勿納, 是與良心競也. 凡七情六慾之生於心皆然. 故曰, 心靜可以通乎神明, 事未至而先知. 是不出戶知天下, 不窺牖見天道也. 盖心如水之不撓, 久而澄淸, 洞見其底, 是謂靈明. 宜乎靜可以固元氣, 則萬病不生, 故能長久. 若一念旣萌, 神馳於外, 氣散於內, 血隨氣行, 榮衛昏亂, 百病相攻, 皆因心而生也. 大槪怡養天君, 疾病不作, 此治心之法也. Quxian (臞仙) said, "The heart is the house of the bright spirit. Its inside is.. 2023. 12. 21.
Dongui Bogam_34_Heart is the king of organs [神爲一身之主] [The Spirit Is the Master of the Body] 內經曰, 心者, 君主之官, 神明出焉. The Inner Classic (內經) says, "The heart is the king of organs from which bright spirit originates." 無名子曰, 天一生水, 在人曰精, 地二生火, 在人曰神. Someone said, "Heaven-One gives birth to Water, which becomes essence(精) in humans, and Earth-Two gives birth to Fire, which becomes spirit(神) in humans." 回春曰, 心者一身之主, 淸淨之府, 外有包絡以羅之. 其中精華之聚萃者, 名之曰神, .. 2023. 12. 21.
Dongui Bogam_33_Lungs and Qi [用藥法] [Instructions for Administrating Medicinals] 正傳曰, 男子屬陽, 得氣易散, 女人屬陰, 遇氣多鬱. 是以男子之氣病常少, 女人之氣病常多. 故治法曰, 女人宜調其血, 以耗其氣, 男子宜調其氣, 以養其血. The Orthodox Transmission of Medicine (正傳) says, "When a male acquires qi, it is likely to dissipate because men are yang. When a female acquires qi, it is likely to stagnate because women are yin. Therefore, qi diseases happen seldom in men and a lot in women. Th.. 2023. 12. 21.
Dongui Bogam_32_Disease Occurs because of the lack of Qi [氣不足生病] [Disease Occurs if One Does Not Have Enough Qi] 靈樞曰, 邪之所在, 皆爲不足. 故上氣不足, 腦爲之不滿, 耳爲之苦鳴, 頭爲之苦傾, 目爲之瞑. 中氣不足, 溲便爲之變, 腸爲之苦鳴. 下氣不足, 乃爲痿厥心悗. Divine Pivot (靈樞) says, "In all places where pathogenic qi is present, healthy qi is deficient. Therefore, if there is not enough qi in the upper part, the brain is not filled up. If this happens, one suffers from tinnitus, a tilted head, and blindness. If .. 2023. 12. 21.
Dongui Bogam_31_The Lungs Govern Qi [肺主氣] [The Lungs Govern Qi] 內經曰, 肺主氣. 又曰, 諸氣者, 皆屬於肺. 註曰, 肺有六葉兩耳, 葉中有二十四孔行列, 分布陰陽淸濁之氣. 又曰, 肺藏氣. 氣有餘則喘咳上氣, 不足則息利少氣. The Inner Classic (內經) says, "The lungs govern qi." It also says "All gi belong to the lungs." In the Annotation, "There are 6 leaves and 2 ears to each lung. There are 24 holes in the leaves, through which yin and yang, clear and turbid qi divide and spread." It also says, "The lung.. 2023. 12. 21.
Dongui Bogam_30_The Key to Regulating Breathing [調氣訣] [The Key to Regulating Breathing] 彭祖曰, 和神導氣之道, 當得密室閉戶, 安床煖席, 枕高二寸半, 正身偃臥瞑目, 閉氣於胸膈中, 以鴻毛着鼻上而不動, 經三百息, 耳無所聞, 目無所見, 心無所思. 如此則寒暑不能侵, 蜂蠆不能毒, 壽三百六十歲, 此隣於眞人也. Peng Zu said, "The method of harmonizing spirit and pulling qi is as follows. In a silent room, close the door, put the bedding to a comfortable state, and warm up the bed. Adjust the pillow to a height of 2.5 chon, lie down face up, close .. 2023. 12. 21.
Dongui Bogam_29_Breathing of the Embryo [胎息法] [Methods of Breathing of the Embryo] 眞詮曰, 人在胎中, 不以口鼻呼吸, 惟臍帶繫于母之任脉, 任脉通于肺, 肺通于鼻. 故母呼亦呼, 母吸亦吸, 其氣皆于臍上往來. Commentaries of the Perfected(眞詮) says, "When a fetus is in the womb, it does not breathe with its mouth and nose. The umbilical cord is connected with the mother's conception vessel. The conception vessel itself is connected to the lungs and the lungs to the nose and hence the fetus exha.. 2023. 12. 21.
Dongui Bogam_28_Qi Is the Root of Respiration [氣爲呼吸之根] [Qi Is the Root of Respiration] 正理曰, 人受生之初, 在胞胎之內, 隨母呼吸, 及乎生下, 剪去臍帶, 則一點眞靈之氣, 聚于臍下. 凡人唯氣最先, 莫先於呼吸. 眼耳鼻舌意是謂六慾, 皆由是氣, 非是氣, 則聲色香味觸法都不知覺. 氣之呼接于天根, 氣之吸接于地根, 氣之在人身, 一日周行八百一十丈. Complete Compendium of the True Principles of the Golden Elixir (正理) says, "When a person is first born, he/she breathes along with his/her mother inside the mother's womb. When the umbilical cord is cut off after the b.. 2023. 12. 21.
Dongui Bogam_27_The Frequency of Movements of Defense Qi [衛氣行度] [The Frequency of Movements of Defense Qi] 靈樞曰, 衛氣之行, 一日一夜五十周於身, 晝日行於陽二十五周, 夜行於陰二十五周. 是故平旦陰盡, 陽氣出於目, 目張則氣上行於頭, 循項下足太陽, 循背下至小指之端. 其散者, 別於目銳眥, 下手太陰, 下至手小指之間外側. 其散者, 別於目銳眥, 下足少陽, 注小指次指之間, 以上循手少陽之分側, 下至小指之間. 其別者, 以上至耳前, 注足陽明, 以下行至跗上, 入五指之間. 其散者, 從耳下, 下手陽明, 入大指之間, 入掌中. 其至於足也, 入足心, 出內踝下, 行陰分, 復合於目, 故爲一周. 二十五周於身, 陽盡於陰, 陰受氣矣. 其始入於陰, 常從足少陰注於腎, 腎注於心, 心注於肺, 肺注於肝, 肝注於脾, 脾復注於腎, 亦如陽行之二十五周而復合於目矣. Divine.. 2023. 12. 20.
Dongui Bogam_26_Qi Is the Basis of Essence and the Spirit [氣爲精神之根蔕] [Qi Is the Basis of Essence and the Spirit] 東垣曰, 氣者神之祖, 精乃氣之子, 氣者, 精神之根蔕也. 茅眞君曰, 氣是添年藥, 心爲使氣神, 若知行氣主, 便是得仙人. 《養性》 Dongyuan said, "Qi is the ancestor of spirit, and essence is the child of qi. Therefore, qi is the basis of essence and spirit." Mao Zhenjun said, "Qi is the drug which elongates life, and the heart controls qi and spirit. One can become an immortal if one knows the master .. 2023. 12. 20.
Dongui Bogam_25_Nocturnal Emission Pertains to the Heart [遺泄精屬心] [Nocturnal Emission Pertains to the Heart] 丹溪曰, 主閉藏者, 腎也, 司疏泄者, 肝也. 二藏皆有相火, 而其系上屬於心. 心君火也. 爲物所感則易動, 心動則相火亦動, 動則精自走, 相火翕然而起, 雖不交會, 亦暗流而疏泄矣. 所以聖人只是敎人收心養心, 其旨微矣. Danxi said, "Storing and protecting is controlled by the kidneys, and opening and flowing is controlled by the liver. The two viscera both have ministerial Fire, and the liver system and kidney system are both connected upwards to .. 2023. 12. 20.
Dongui Bogam_24_Control Desire to Store Essence [節慾儲精] [Control Desire to Store Essence] 內經以八八之數, 爲精髓竭之年, 是當節其慾矣. 千金方載素女論, 六十者閉精勿泄, 是慾當絶矣. 宜節不知節, 宜絶不能絶, 坐此而喪生, 盖自取之也. 《資生經》 It is said in the Inner Classic (內經) that the essence is used up at the age of 64, so one must control one's desires. In the Essential Prescriptions Worth a Thousand Gold for Emergencies (千金方), it introduces a phrase from the Classic of the Pure Girl on Coitus (素女經) which .. 2023. 12. 20.
Dongui Bogam_23_Essence Should Be Secured Thoroughly [精宜秘密] [Essence Should Be Secured Thoroughly] 內經曰, 凡陰陽之要, 陽密乃固. 故曰, 陽强不能密, 陰氣乃絶. 陰平陽秘, 精神乃治, 陰陽離決, 精氣乃絶. It is said in the Inner Classic (內經): "The key point of yin-yang is that yin is strong only when yang is well protected. This is why yin qi is said to have collapsed when yang is too active. When yin is harmonized and yang is secured, essence-spirit is in control; when yin and yang are separa.. 2023. 12. 20.
Dongui Bogam_22_Essence Is the Ultimate Treasure [精爲至寶] [Essence Is the Ultimate Treasure] 夫精者, 極好之稱, 人之精最貴而甚少. 在身中通有一升六合. 此男子二八未泄之成數, 稱得一斤, 積而滿者至三升, 損而喪之者不及一升. 精與氣相養, 氣聚則精盈, 精盈則氣盛. 日啖飮食之華美者爲精, 故從米從靑. 人年十六則精泄. 凡交一次則喪半合, 有喪而無益, 則精竭身憊. 故慾不節則精耗, 精耗則氣衰, 氣衰則病至, 病至則身危. 噫, 精之爲物, 其人身之至寶乎. 《養性》 Essence refers to the extremely good. The essence is of the most treasurable in a person, and the amount is very small. There is 1 doe 6 hop in total inside the.. 2023. 12. 20.
Dongui Bogam_21_Essence Is the Basis [精爲身本] [Essence Is the Basis of the Human Body] 靈樞曰, 兩神相薄, 合而成形, 常先身生, 是謂精. 精者, 身之本也. 又曰, 五穀之津液, 和合而爲膏, 內滲入于骨空, 補益髓腦, 而下流于陰股. 陰陽不和, 則使液溢而下流于陰, 下過度則虛, 虛則腰背痛而脛痠. 又曰, 髓者, 骨之充, 腦爲髓海. 髓海不足, 則腦轉, 耳鳴, 胻痠, 眩冒. In the Divine Pivot (靈樞), it is said that: "The spirit of two people join to form a new shape. What is always made before the body is formed is called essence. "Essence is the fundamental substanc.. 2023. 12. 20.
Dongui Bogam_20_Sayings of the Early Sages [先賢格言] [Sayings of the Early Sages] 眞人養生銘曰, 人欲勞於形, 百病不能成, 飮酒勿大醉, 諸疾自不生, 食了行百步, 數以手摩肚, 寅丑日剪甲, 頭髮梳百度, 飽卽立小便, 飢則坐漩尿, 行處勿當風, 居止無小隙, 常夜濯足臥, 飽食終無益, 思慮最傷神, 喜怒最傷氣, 每去鼻中毛, 常習不唾地, 平明欲起時, 下床先左脚, 一日無災殃, 去邪兼辟惡, 如能七星步, 令人長壽樂, 酸味傷於筋, 苦味傷於骨, 甘卽不益肉, 辛多敗正氣, 醎多促人壽, 不得偏耽嗜, 春夏少施泄, 秋冬固陽事, 獨臥是守眞, 愼靜最爲貴, 錢財生有分, 知足將爲利, 强知是大患, 少慾終無累, 神靜自常安, 修道宜終始, 書之屋壁中, 將以傳君子. It is said in Son the Wise Man's Inscription on Nurturing Li.. 2023. 12. 20.
Dongui Bogam_19_Contraindications in Nurturing Nature [養性禁忌] [Contraindications in Nurturing Nature] 養性書曰, 善攝生者, 無犯日月之忌, 無失歲時之和. 須知一日之忌, 暮無飽食. 一月之忌, 晦無大醉. 一歲之忌, 冬無遠行, 終身之忌, 夜不然燭行房. 又曰, 喜怒損志, 哀戚損性, 榮華惑德, 陰陽竭精, 學道之大忌也. It is said in the Book of Nurturing the Spirit (養性書): "Anyone who is trying to care for one's health must not violate the prohibition of the day and month and live according to the seasons. The prohibition of the day is not overeating .. 2023. 12. 20.
Dongui Bogam_18_The Internal Training of Danjeon Circulation [還丹內煉法] [The Internal Training of Danjeon Circulation] 金丹問答曰, 金液者, 金水也. 金爲水母, 母隱子胎, 因有還丹之號也. 前賢有曰, 丹者, 丹田也. 液者, 肺液也. 以肺液還于丹田, 故曰金液還丹. It is said in the Dialogue about the Golden Elixir (金丹問答): "Metal fluid refers to Metal and Water. Metal is the mother of Water and it is called cinnabar circulation. It is called so because the mother hides the afterbirth of her child. The wise men of the early d.. 2023. 12. 20.
Dongui Bogam_17_The Key Points of Health Preservation [攝養要訣] [The Key Points of Health Preservation] 太乙眞人七禁文曰, 一者, 少言語養內氣. 二者, 戒色慾養精氣. 三者, 薄滋味養血氣. 四者, 嚥精液養藏氣. 五者, 莫嗔怒養肝氣. 六者, 美飮食養胃氣. 七者, 少思慮養心氣. 人由氣生, 氣由神旺, 養氣全神, 可得眞道. 凡在萬形之中所保者, 莫先於元氣. It is said in the Seven Proscriptions Writings of the True Person of the Great One (太乙眞人七禁文): "First, speak less to nurture qi inside the body. Second, nurture essence-qi by abstaining from sexual desires. Third, ea.. 2023. 12. 20.
Dongui Bogam_16_Massage and Guiding-pulling Exercises [按摩導引] [Massage and Guiding-pulling Exercises] 養生書曰, 夜臥覺, 常叩齒九通, 嚥唾九過, 以手按鼻之左右上下數十過. 又曰, 每朝早起啄齒, 幷漱津唾滿口嚥之, 縮鼻閉氣, 以右手從頭上引左耳二七, 復以左手從頭上引右耳二七, 令耳聰延年. It is said in the Book on Nourishing Life (養生書): "When awakened at night, always click the upper and lower teeth nine times, swallow saliva nine times and rub the left, right, upper, and lower parts of the nose with the hand ten times." Also, "Wake up.. 2023. 12. 20.
Dongui Bogam_15_Movement and Diet [搬運服食] [Movement and Diet] 養性書曰, 凡人修養攝生之道, 各有其法. 大槪勿要損精耗氣傷神. 此三者, 道家謂之全精全氣全神是也. It is said in the Book of Nurturing the Spirit (養性書): "There are specific ways in Tao of training and preserving one's health. The point is not to harm the essence, qi, or the spirit. Preserving the essence, qi, and spirit are the three that Taoism emphasizes. 每於雞鳴時, 便可起坐, 擁衾調息, 叩齒聚神, 良久, 神氣旣定, 方行火候搬運數十遍, 便覺渾身和暢, 血脉自.. 2023. 12. 20.
Dongui Bogam_14_One with the Heavenly Movements [人心合天機] [The Human Mind Becomes One with the Heavenly Movements] 還丹論曰, 道以心爲用, 能知運用者, 以道觀心, 心卽道也. 以心貫道, 道卽心也. 是心也, 非人心之心, 乃天心之心也. 天之居於北極, 爲造化之樞機者, 此心也. 故斗杓一運, 則四時應節, 五行順序, 寒暑中度, 陰陽得宜矣. It is said in the Doctrine of the Returning Elixir(還丹論): "Mind is the function of the Dao. A person who is able to use the mind in good ways sees the mind with the Dao, so the mind is the Dao itself; the Dao is pen.. 2023. 12. 19.
Dongui Bogam_13_Dao Can Be Learned at Any Time [學道無早晩] [The Dao Can Be Learned at Any Time] 延壽書曰, 人者物之靈也. 壽本四萬三千二百餘日卽一百二十歲. 洪範. 一曰壽百二十歲. 元陽眞氣, 本重三百八十四銖一斤也, 內應乎乾, 乾者, 純陽之卦也. 人晝夜動作施泄, 散失元氣, 不滿天壽, 至六陽俱盡, 卽是全陰之人易死也. 年到八八, 卦數已極, 汞少鉛虛, 欲眞元之復, 不亦晩乎. It is said in the Three Counselors' Book on the Extention of Life of the Three Primes (延壽書) that: "Humankind is the most sacred of all living things, and the lifespan is about 43,200 days (equivalent to.. 2023. 12. 19.