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Dongui Bogam

Dongui Bogam_17_The Key Points of Health Preservation

by autumn wind 2023. 12. 20.


[The Key Points of Health Preservation]

太乙眞人七禁文曰, 一者, 少言語養內氣. 二者, 戒色慾養精氣. 三者, 薄滋味養血氣. 四者, 嚥精液養藏氣. 五者, 莫嗔怒養肝氣. 六者, 美飮食養胃氣. 七者, 少思慮養心氣. 人由氣生, 氣由神旺, 養氣全神, 可得眞道. 凡在萬形之中所保者, 莫先於元氣.
It is said in the Seven Proscriptions Writings of the True Person of the Great One (太乙眞人七禁文):
"First, speak less to nurture qi inside the body.
Second, nurture essence-qi by abstaining from sexual desires.
Third, eat light foods to raise blood-qi.
Fourth, swallow saliva to nurture the qi of the five viscera.
Fifth, nurture liver qi by restraining anger.
Sixth, nurture stomach qi by eating deliciously.
Seventh, nurture heart qi by thinking less.
A person lives by qi and gi grows strong by spirit. One will be able to earn true Dao when gi is nurtured and the spirit is replenished. The original qi(元氣) is the foremost to preserve."

黃庭經曰, 子欲不死修崑崙, 謂髮宜多櫛, 手宜在面, 齒宜數叩, 津宜常嚥, 氣宜精鍊. 此五者, 所謂修崑崙, 崑崙謂頭也.
It is said in the Scripture of the Yellow Court (黃庭經):
"One must clean the mountains to live long." This means the hair must be combed thoroughly, hands on the face, teeth clicked, saliva swallowed all the time, and qi trained carefully. These five ways are the methods of cleaning the mountains. Mountains refer to the head. 

葛仙翁淸靜經曰, 人能遣其慾而心自靜, 澄其心而神自淸, 自然六欲不生, 三毒消滅. 夫人心虛則澄, 坐定則靜, 寡言希聽, 存神保命. 盖多言則損氣, 多喜則放情, 多怒則觸意, 多悲哀思慮則傷神, 多貪慾勞困則傷精. 凡此皆修行之人, 不宜有也. 又曰, 養性之士, 唾不至遠, 行不疾步, 耳不極聽, 目不極視, 不欲極飢而食, 食不可過飽, 不欲極渴而飮, 飮不欲過多.
It is said in the Classic of Clarity and Purity (淸靜經) by Ge Xianwong:
"The mind becomes calm naturally when a person lets go of desires, and the spirit clears when the mind is cleared. Then the six desires and three poisons will not attack. The heart of the person is cleared when emptied, and calmed when one sits right; spirit and lifespan are preserved when one speaks less and hears less. Too much-talking damages qi, too much happiness scatters emotions, frequent anger hurts feelings, frequent sadness and thoughts hurt the spirit, and too much desire, which leads to fatigue of the body damages essence. These must not be done by those who are training themselves."
Also, "A scholar who is training himself does not spit far nor walk fast. He does not hear nor see much. He eats before getting hungry but never overeats. He drinks before getting thirsty but never overdrinks."

嵇康曰, 養性有五難, 名利不去爲一難, 喜怒不除爲二難, 聲色不去爲三難, 滋味不絶爲四難, 神虛精散爲五難. 五者無於胸中, 則信順日躋, 道德日全, 不祈善而有福, 不求壽而自延, 此養生之大旨也.
Ji Kang (嵇康) said,
"There are five difficulties in training the spirit. First, is the difficulty of letting go of fame and wealth; second, is the difficulty of letting go of emotions; third is the difficulty of letting go of art and sexual desires; fourth is the difficulty of giving up greasy food; and fifth is the deficiency of spirit and dispersion of essence. If these five are not present in a person, the feeling of trust will grow day by day, and the Tao and virtue will grow day by day; one person will be able to earn much luck even without asking for goodness and will be able to live a long life even without wishing to live a long life. This is the point of self-training."

類纂曰, 養目力者常瞑, 養耳力者常飽, 養臂肘者常屈伸, 養股脛者常步履.
It is said in the Classified Compilation on Nurturing Life (類纂):
"One must always close the eyes if one wants to have bright eyes; one must always eat well to have good hearing, one must flex and extend one's arms to raise the strength of the arms; one must always walk to raise the strength of the legs." 

孫眞人曰, 雖常服餌, 而不知養性之術, 亦難以長生也. 養性之道, 常欲少勞, 但莫大疲及强所不能堪耳. 夫流水不腐, 戶樞不蠹, 以其運動故也. 養性之道, 莫久行, 久立, 久坐, 久臥, 久視, 久聽, 皆令損壽也. 又曰, 凡言傷者, 亦不卽覺也. 謂久則損壽耳.
Sun the wise man said:
"It is difficult to live long if one does not know the way of disciplining the mind even if one eats good food all the time. The way of disciplining the mind is to use small amounts of energy every time and not make any problems unbearable or too tiring. The reason for the freshness of flowing water and the hinges of the door not being eaten by worms is that they are always movingThe way of disciplining the mind is not walking, standing, sitting, lying down, seeing, or hearing for too long. Not using these ways shortens the lifespan of every person." He also said, "Harm in this sense means shortening the lifespan gradually without one's notice."

洞神眞經曰, 養生以不損爲延年之術, 不損以有補爲衛生之經. 居安慮危, 防未萌也. 雖少年致損, 氣弱體枯, 及晩景得悟, 防患補益, 則氣血有餘而神自足, 自然長生也.
It is said in the Classic of the Cavern Spirit and Perfected (洞神眞經):
"The way of lengthening the lifespan in nurturing life is doing no harm. In doing no harm, tonifying is the way of protecting lives. Worrying about possible risks at the time of comfort is an effort to prevent any danger before it erupts. Even in a person with weak qi and a skinny body from defects at an early age, it is possible to restore qi and blood and recover the spirit, and naturally live a long life when in old age one enlightens oneself and prevents future troubles and tonifies oneself."