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Dongui Bogam

Dongui Bogam_19_Contraindications in Nurturing Nature

by autumn wind 2023. 12. 20.


[Contraindications in Nurturing Nature]

養性書曰, 善攝生者, 無犯日月之忌, 無失歲時之和. 須知一日之忌, 暮無飽食. 一月之忌, 晦無大醉. 一歲之忌, 冬無遠行, 終身之忌, 夜不然燭行房. 又曰, 喜怒損志, 哀戚損性, 榮華惑德, 陰陽竭精, 學道之大忌也.
It is said in the Book of Nurturing the Spirit (養性書): "Anyone who is trying to care for one's health must not violate the prohibition of the day and month and live according to the seasons. The prohibition of the day is not overeating at dinner, the prohibition of the month is not getting drunk on the last day of the month, the prohibition of the year is not traveling too far in winter, and the prohibition of the whole life is not having intercourse at night with the lights on." It is also said: "Happiness and anger harm will(志)sadness harms nature(性)splendor harms virtue(德), and intercourse dries out the essence(精). These are the things one must keep in mind while learning Dao."

眞誥曰, 眼者身之鏡, 耳者體之牖, 視多則鏡昏, 聽衆則牖閉. 面者神之庭, 髮者腦之華, 心憂則面戚, 腦減則髮白. 精者人之神, 明者身之寶, 勞多則精散, 營競則明消.
It is said in the Teachings of the Perfected(眞誥): "Eyes are the mirrors of the body, and ears are the windows of the body. The more you look, the less clear the mirrors become; the more you hear, the easier the windows get blocked. The face is the garden of the mind, and hair is the flower of the brain; the face gets pale when the mind is gloomy, and the hair greys when the brain shrinks. Essence is the spirit of the human, and brightness is the treasure of the body. Too much work scatters essence and lessens brightness.

抱朴子曰, 善攝生者, 常少思, 少念, 少慾, 少事, 少語, 少笑, 少愁, 少樂, 少喜, 少怒, 少好, 少惡. 行此十二少者, 養性之都契也. 多思則神殆, 多念則志散, 多慾則志昏, 多事則形勞, 多語則氣乏, 多笑則藏傷, 多愁則心懾, 多樂則意溢, 多喜則妄錯昏亂, 多怒則百脉不定, 多好則專迷不理, 多惡則憔悴無歡. 凡此十二多不除, 則榮衛失度, 血氣妄行, 喪生之本也.
It is said in the Baopuzi (抱朴子): "A person who takes good care of one's own health always thinks less[少思], does not dwell on one thought[少念], lets go of desires and worries[少慾], lessens one's work, talk, laughter, joy, happiness, anger, and only likes and hates little. The secret of nurturing nature is based on these twelve. Too much thinking[多思] harms the spirit[神], and dwelling on one thought[多念] scatters one's will[志]. Too much desire darkens the will, and too much work exhausts the body. Too much talk wastes qi, and too much laughter harms the five viscera. Too many worries shake the heart, and too much joy leads to overflowing thoughts. Too much happiness makes one jumbled and in disarray, and too much anger irritates all the vessels in the body. One is unable to distinguish logic due to delusions when one likes so many things[多好]; one becomes pale and unhappy when one hates so many things[多惡]. The nutrient qi and defense gi will get lost and blood-qi will flow as it pleases if one does not get rid of these twelve; eventually, the core of life will get lost."