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Dongui Bogam

Dongui Bogam_16_Massage and Guiding-pulling Exercises

by autumn wind 2023. 12. 20.

[Massage and Guiding-pulling Exercises]

養生書曰, 夜臥覺, 常叩齒九通, 嚥唾九過, 以手按鼻之左右上下數十過. 又曰, 每朝早起啄齒, 幷漱津唾滿口嚥之, 縮鼻閉氣, 以右手從頭上引左耳二七, 復以左手從頭上引右耳二七, 令耳聰延年.
It is said in the Book on Nourishing Life (養生書): "When awakened at night, always click the upper and lower teeth nine times, swallow saliva nine times and rub the left, right, upper, and lower parts of the nose with the hand ten times." Also, "Wake up early every morning, click the upper and lower teeth, wash the inside of the mouth with saliva, and swallow. Frown around the nose, hold one's breath, and pull the left ear 14 times with the right hand behind the head, and with the left hand pull the right ear 14 times. This makes hearing better and ensures a long life." 

又曰, 熱摩手心, 熨兩眼每二七遍, 使人眼目自然無障瞖, 明目去風. 頻拭額上, 謂之修天庭, 連髮際二七遍, 面上自然光澤. 又以中指於鼻梁兩邊揩二三十遍, 令表裏俱熱, 所謂灌漑中岳, 以潤於肺. 以手摩耳輪不拘遍數, 所謂修其城郭, 以補腎氣, 以防聾聵.
Also, "Rub the hands together until they are warm and rub the eyes 14 times. This removes the nebula in the eyes, makes eyesight brighter, and removes pathogenic wind. Rubbing the forehead often is called 'cleaning the ceiling of the sky'. If one rubs the head all through the hairline, the face will shine. Also, rub the sides of the nose 20-30 times with the middle finger until the exterior and interior are heated, so-called 'irrigating water to the middle valley'; this is the method of moisturizing the lungs. Rubbing the auricle with the hands regardless of the number of times is called 'polishing the castle. This tonifies kidney qi and prevents hearing loss." 

臞仙有歌曰, 閉目冥心坐盤趺而坐, 握固靜思神握固者, 以大指在內四指在外而作拳也, 叩齒三十六以集心神, 兩手抱崑崙崑崙頭也. 叉兩手向項後數九息, 勿令耳聞, 左右鳴天鼓, 二十四度聞以兩手心掩兩耳, 先以第二指壓中指, 彈腦後, 微擺撼天柱搖頭左右顧, 肩膊隨動二十四度, 赤龍攪水渾赤龍舌也. 以舌攪口中, 待津液生而嚥之, 漱津三十六, 神水滿口勻神水, 口中津也, 一口分三嚥所漱津液, 分作三口, 作汨汨聲而嚥之, 龍行虎自奔液爲龍, 氣爲虎, 閉氣搓手熱鼻引淸氣, 閉之少頃, 搓手令極熱, 鼻中徐徐放氣出, 背摩後精門精門者, 腰後外腎也. 合手心摩畢, 收手握固, 盡此一口氣再閉氣也, 想火燒臍輪想心火下燒丹田, 覺熱極, 卽用後法, 左右轆轤轉俯首擺撼兩肩三十六, 想火自丹田透雙關入腦戶, 鼻引淸氣閉少頃, 兩脚放舒伸放直兩脚, 叉手雙虛托叉手相交向上, 三次或九次, 低頭攀足頻以兩手向前鉤雙脚心十三次, 乃收足端坐, 以候逆水上候口中津液生, 如未生, 急攪取水, 如前法, 再漱再呑津, 如此三度畢, 神水九次呑一口三嚥三次爲九, 嚥下汨汨響, 百脉自調勻, 河車搬運訖擺肩幷身二十四, 及再轉轆轤二十四次, 發火遍燒身想丹田火自下而上遍燒, 此時口鼻皆閉氣少頃, 邪魔不敢近, 夢寐不能昏, 寒暑不能入, 灾病不能迍, 子後午前作, 造化合乾坤, 循環次第轉, 八卦是良因.
Quxian (臞仙) sang: "Close the eyes and sit (with legs crossed) with a calm mind and make a fist with the thumb inside and control the spirit. Click the upper and lower teeth 36 times (to gather the heart and spirit together). Cover the mountain (the head) with two hands. Cross the fingers behind the neck and breathe 9 times, not letting the breathing sound be heard. Ring the heavenly drums and let it be heard 24 times. (Cover both ears with both hands, press the middle finger with the index finger, and flick on the back of the head). Swing the heavenly pillar mildly. (Shake the head 24 times left and right and let the shoulders follow).
Shake the saliva with the red dragon. (
Red Dragon refers to the tongue. Stir the insides of the mouth with the tongue and swallow the saliva). Wash the insides of the mouth with the saliva 36 times and the spirit-water (神水, the saliva) fills the mouth. When one swallows the saliva three times, (swallow saliva three times each time at a gulp), it is like the movement of the dragon making the tiger run. (Dragon is saliva and tiger is breath). Hold one's breath and rub with hands to induce heat. (Breathe in clear qi through the nose and hold your breath for a while. Rub the nose with your hands and make it hot; exhale slowly).
In addition, rub the essence-gate on the low-back. (Essence-gate is the external kidneys on the low-back. After rubbing both hands, make fists with the thumbs inside).
After finishing one breath of qi (Holding your breath again), imagine there is a Fire burning at the umbilicus. (Imagine the heart Fire is burning down at the lower danjeon field and follow the next step when the navel feels hot). Move the pulley to the left and right. (Put down the head and shake both shoulders 36 times. Imagine the Fire entering the double bar and into the brain entrance. Inhale clear qi through the nose and hold your breath for a short while). Stretch both legs straight. Cross the fingers and stretch both arms into the air 3 or 9 times. Put down the head and pull the feet often. (Put the hands forward and pull the feet 13 times, gather the feet again, and sit upright). Doing this, wait for the water to come upstream. (Wait for the saliva to come out and if it does not, repeat the previous steps and wipe the inside of the mouth with the tongue fast and let the saliva come). Again wash with the saliva and swallow again. Doing this three times equals to swallowing the spirit-water (神水) 9 times. (Swallow saliva three times, repeat this three times, that is 9 times in total). At the sound of one gulp, the pulse becomes even and the cart finishes its delivery. (Shaking both shoulders and moving the pulley 24 times). And the Fire starts burning and heats the body thoroughly. (Imagine the Fire in the cinnabar field heating the body thoroughly. Cover the mouth and nose and hold your breath for a short while). The evil pathogen will not dare come near, and one will be alert even when sleeping. Cold and heat cannot invade, and diseases and disasters do not have the will to stay. Train after Ja time (11:00 pm~1:00 am) and before O time (11:00 am 1:00 pm), and Geon and Gon will unite. Circulation will make this whole, and the Eight trigrams will circulate, following one another in the body."