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Dongui Bogam

Dongui Bogam_14_One with the Heavenly Movements

by autumn wind 2023. 12. 19.


[The Human Mind Becomes One with the Heavenly Movements]

還丹論曰, 道以心爲用, 能知運用者, 以道觀心, 心卽道也. 以心貫道, 道卽心也. 是心也, 非人心之心, 乃天心之心也. 
天之居於北極, 爲造化之樞機者, 此心也. 故斗杓一運, 則四時應節, 五行順序, 寒暑中度, 陰陽得宜矣.
It is said in the Doctrine of the Returning Elixir(還丹論): 
"Mind is the function of the Dao
A person who is able to use the mind in good ways sees the mind with the Dao, 
so the mind is the Dao itself; 
the Dao is penetrated with the mind so the Dao is the mind itself
This mind is not a mind of a human, but the mind of Heaven
It is this mind that is settled at the northern point of the sky 
and is the focal point of harmonization. 
Therefore, when the Big Dipper turns, seasons change, the five phases pass, 
heat and cold come and go, and yin-yang is settled." 

槖籥歌曰, 天上日頭地下轉, 海底嬋娟天上飛, 乾坤日月本不運, 皆因斗柄轉其機, 人心若與天心合, 顚倒陰陽只片時.
It is said in Songs of the Horn and Flute(槖籥歌): 
"The sun in the sky rolls into the earth; the moon on the sea flies through the sky. 
Geon and the Gon and the sun and moon are not moving by themselves; 
they seem to move because the Big Dipper is turning
The world changes when the mind of humans and the mind of Heaven unite." 

仙經註曰, 璇璣斗也. 天以斗爲機, 人以心爲機, 心運於身中, 猶斗運於天中也. 又曰, 天機, 謂半夜子陽初動之時也. 
天機將至, 人能動吾之機以應之, 則天人合發, 內外相符, 結而爲丹矣.
It is said in the annotation of the Classic of the Immortals (仙經): 
"Seongi (璇璣, beautiful jade bead) is the Big Dipper
It is the center of the sky, and it's the equivalent to the heart of a human
The action of the heart in a body is like the action of the Big Dipper in the sky." 
It is also said, "Heaven refers to the time when yang first moves at the time of Ja(11:00 pm ~ 1:00 am) at night. When a person moves himself to correspond to Heaven at the time when the qi of the universe moves, Heaven and a human unite; inside and outside interlock; and eventually, Elixir forms. 

上陽子曰, 人有眞一之氣, 降于丹田中, 則一陽又復矣. 人欲知始陽初迴之候, 當以煖氣爲之信也.
Shang Yangzi said: "A human has the true and unchanging qi inside his body; the first yang returns when this qi is brought down to the Danjeon(Elixir field). Indication of the yang returning to the body is the warmth felt in the body."