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Taeulcheon (Jamiwon) Jamiwon, also referred to as Taeulcheon, is considered the source from which all energy that creates the beings in the Milky Way galaxy originates. This supreme cosmic energy, often called "primordial qi," is bestowed upon humans only once at birth and does not recharge.Jamiwon is also known as "heaven" or "Jami palace," and in Daoist traditions, it is the abode of Taiyi Tianzun (Great Emperor o.. 2025. 2. 20.
Jongdosanim's Dao Talk about Mediation [Meditation, simply put, is the practice of transforming our body into light—the infinite, harmonious light of the Great Universe’s Triune Creative Energy (三神). The human body is originally a temple of light. Meditation involves completely cleansing the dark, decaying energy within us and filling ourselves with the bright, pure energy of Sunyangjigi (純陽之氣), the pure energy of vitality.Meditation.. 2025. 1. 23.
The Light Flower Meditation The Light Flower Meditation / Beginner's Course / Breathing, Om-Hoom Sound, Jeongdan Creation[The Meritorious Deed and Virtue of Pioneering a Dojang] Sangjenim one day revealed to the disciples, “My work is like that of a wandering vagabond. Long ago, this person lived his life prodigally, irresolute of will and principle, but one day thought to himself, ‘I have accomplished nothing in my life a.. 2024. 8. 29.
Seollyeohwa ("Flower of Light") Meditation It starts at 17:23 in this video clip.Meditation for Hallyu Fans Seollyeohwa ("Flower of Light") Meditation with English subtitle It is time to receive the Seollyeohwa.First, a flower of white light will descend gently from heaven. Imagine receiving it into your body and dividing it into countless smaller and smaller flowers. Then, your inner world will be filled with flowers. It’s important to .. 2024. 4. 29.
Seollyeohwa Meditation for Hallyu Fans <figure data-ke-type="video" data-ke-style="alignCenter" data-video-host="youtube" data-video-url="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RrdahaqmEzg" data-video-thumbnail="https://scrap.kakaocdn.net/dn/pFwX5/hyVVHhS7S7/FEkirdFzouO7WDkVg3OFUk/img.jpg?width=1280&height=720&face=924_252_1056_396" data-video-width="800" data-video-height="450" data-video-origin-width="860" data-video-origin-height.. 2024. 4. 23.
Eastern Meditation of Immortality with Seonjeonghwa, the flower of cosmic light Today's event marks the beginning of a journey towards an immortal paradise of Later Heaven, gathering at the Sangseang World Center. Attendees are called to meditate using the Seonjeonghwa, the flower of cosmic light. This historic occasion resonates with humanity's golden age, offering a chance for modern individuals to embrace meditation's timeless practice. As we navigate uncertain times, me.. 2024. 4. 18.
Light: Nature's Miracle Medicine-1 Light: Nature's Miracle Medicine From the time of early historical accounts to the present day, people have recognized that cyclic or rhythmic patterns are an integral part of the functioning of all dynamic systems. Originating at a level probably outside of our own universe, these cycles affect all other dynamic systems residing within our universe. In a stair-step or dominolike manner, the cos.. 2024. 2. 29.
Heart-Seal Scripture of the Exalted Jade Sovereign [高上玉皇心印經] [Heart-Seal Scripture of the Exalted Jade Sovereign] 上藥三品 神與氣精 恍恍惚惚 杳杳冥冥 The supreme medicine has three qualities shin[神, consciousness/ spirit], qi[氣, energy], and jung[精, essence]. They are very ecstatic, far, and profound. 存無守有 頃刻而成 廻風混合 百日功靈 When preserving the intangible spirit[神], and guarding tangible jung[精], you will accomplish it in an instant. Circulate the qi[氣] through the.. 2023. 12. 30.
Basic Meditation-1 [天符經] [천부경, Cheonbugyeong] (The Scripture of Heavenly Code) Cheonbugyeong is the oldest, shortest, most simple, and yet most profound Scripture in the world. [一始無始一] [일시무시일, il si mu si il] One is the beginning; from Nothingness begins One. [析三極無盡本] [석삼극무진본, seok sam geuk mu jin bon] One divides into the Three Ultimates, yet the source is infinite. [天一一 地一二 人一三] [천일일 지일이 인일삼, cheon il il ji il y.. 2023. 12. 20.