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Basic Meditation-1

by autumn wind 2023. 12. 20.

[천부경, Cheonbugyeong]
(The Scripture of Heavenly Code)

Cheonbugyeong is the oldest, shortest, most simple, and yet most profound Scripture in the world.


[일시무시일, il si mu si il]
One is the beginning; from Nothingness begins One.

[석삼극무진본, seok sam geuk mu jin bon]
One divides into the Three Ultimates, yet the source is infinite.

[天一一 地一二 人一三]
[천일일 지일이 인일삼, cheon il il ji il yi in il sam]
Arising from One, Heaven is One.
Arising from One, Earth is Two.
Arising from One, Humanity is Three.

[一積十鉅 無匱化三]
[일적십거무궤화삼, il jeok sip geo mu gwe hwa sam]
One accumulates and opens as Ten without deficiency due to Three's creative change.

[天二三 地二三 人二三]
[천이삼 지이삼 인이삼, cheon yi sam ji yi sam in yi sam]
Based on Two, Heaven creates under Three. 
Based on Two, Earth transforms under Three.
Based on Two, Humanity lives under Three.

[大三合六 生七八九]
[대삼합육생칠팔구, dae sam hap yok saeng chil pal gu]
The Great Three unite into Six, which then gives rise to Seven, Eight, and Nine.

[운삼사성환오칠, un sam sa seong hwan o chil]
The movement of a cycle begins with Three and Four;
the circulation completes under Five and Seven.

[一玅衍萬往萬來 用變不動本]
[일묘연만왕만래 용변부동본, il myo yeon man wang man rae yong byeon bu dong bon]
One expands in mysterious ways while coming and going endlessly,
a great change to the Function brings forth the immutable Basis.

[본심본태양앙명, bon sim bon tae yang ang myeong]
The Basis is the mind, which shines radiantly like pure yang.

[인중천지일, in jung cheon ji il]
Humanity, united with Heaven and Earth, is the Ultimate One. 

[일종무종일, il jong mu jong il]
One is the end; in Nothingness ends One.

What is the purpose of all creation and transformation in Heaven, Earth, and Humanity?

1. What is the purpose of meditation; ultimate, short-term, realistic goals?
Hongik Ingan(弘益人間, fostering wide-reaching benefits for humanity)
is the founding ideology of the Korean people passed down from ancient times. However, this Hongik Ingan has been conveyed with three codes of practice. The three requisites are first to deeply realize that radiant divinity is inherent in all humans[一神降衷], second to fully recover that radiance[性通光明], and last to share that bright virtue with the people of the world[在世理化]. The conclusion of all meditation culture is to recover human divinity and open a bright and harmonious world.

The Seollyeohwa, a flower of light, Meditation recently revealed to the world for the first time by His Holiness Ahn Gyeong-jeon Jeung San Do Jongdosa-nim, is the prototype of Eastern Immortal Meditation which originated from the 9,000-year-old Korean Shingyo culture. Although the method of this meditation is thoroughly based on Eastern cosmology, it seems so touching, amazingly mysterious, and magical like a fairy tale.

You will feel the core secrets of the universe being revealed one by one while following this meditation. I sincerely hope that many people around the world will be able to join this meditation, and drive out the qi of ignorance, darkness, illness, and death to be born again as radiant human beings, and move forward together into the brightly opened new world, the coming paradise of immortality

Mugeuk, number 0, Nothingness. Mugeuk is Virtue (Love).

One is the beginning; from Nothingness begins One.
The essence is generated from the emptiness or voidness. (虛精)

In the Book of Changes Heavenly Qian Chisel Measurement (乾鑿度), it is said: 
"The specific image of heaven comes from geon (乾), which can be classified into the great change (太易), great beginning (太初), great opening (太始), and great simplicity (太素). 
The great change(太易) is when qi is not manifested yet, 
the great beginning(太初) is when the qi starts to form, 
the great opening(太始) is when the form just begins to form, 
and the great simplicity(太素) is when texture starts to form. 
[The Beginning of Form and Qi-Dongui Bogam]

Taegeuk, number 1, Water
Taegeuk, number 1, the Ultimate One. Taegeuk is Dao (the Way)

One divides into the Three Ultimates, yet the source is infinite.
  The Way (Dao) gave birth to one. 
  One gave birth to two. 
  Two gave birth to three. 
  Three gave birth to all things. (Tao Te Ching)

One divides into Three Ultimates; 0 Mugeuk, 1 Taegeuk, and 5 Hwanggeuk

Arising from One, Heaven is One.
Arising from One, Earth is Two.
Arising from One, Humanity is Three.

What is the meaning of Heaven, Earth, and Humanity? What are their roles and purposes?

Heaven is magnificent in its unfathomable mysteriousness and deep silence
The dao of heaven is all-embracing, for it is far-reaching. 
Heaven’s work is to unite all things into one through truthfulness

is grand in its accumulation and preservation

The dao of earth is all-embracing, for earth emulates the dao of heaven. 
Earth’s work is to unite all things into one through constant nurturing.

are great in their wisdom and abilities

The dao of humanity is all-embracing, for humanity chooses the dao of heaven and earth.
Humanity’s work is to unite all things into one through cooperation

Samsin (God) bestowed upon humanity its true mind.
Humanity’s nature is thus as radiant as that of Samsin
You must rule the world with the truth of Spirit Teaching to edify people.
You must also foster wide-reaching benefits for humanity.

Heaven first, Earth second, Humanity third, Korean Hangeul basic vowels


3 Korean basic vowes are formed according to the principle of Three Ultimates
The principles of creation and transformation in Heaven, Earth, and Humanity are the same.

2. How to breathe properly? Normal breath and True breath

Meditation with seed mantras of Om and Hoom while breathing in and out.


Om Hoom Mantra Meditation with true Breathing


3. How to visualize?

Seeing Is Believing: The Power of Visualization

What Is Visualization? Visualization is the process of picturing in your mind the things that you want in and out of your life. During visualization, you focus on attaining them and think about what it would be like if you achieved those goals. Visualization is usually paired with meditation and mindfulness.

Brain studies now reveal that thoughts produce the same mental instructions as actions. Mental imagery impacts many cognitive processes in the brain: motor control, attention, perception, planning, and memory. So the brain is getting trained for actual performance during visualization. It’s been found that mental practices can enhance motivation, increase confidence and self-efficacy, improve motor performance, prime your brain for success, and increase states of flow—all relevant to achieving your best life!

First, have a definite, clear, practical ideal; a goal, an objective. Second, have the necessary means to achieve your ends: wisdom, money, materials, and methods. Third, adjust all your means to that end.” -Aristotle-

[How To Visualize – 19 Visualization Techniques]
1. Be Specific and set a number one goal.
2. Actively participate as yourself in your visualization.
3. Think of positive achievements rather than setbacks.
4. Choose a time to visualize your goals.
5. Practice visualizing your ideas and goals regularly.
6. Exercise your mind and visualize people, items, and ideas.
7. Visualize yourself achieving a goal.

4. Understand the importance of concentration, repetition, and consistency

How to focus or concentrate


The law of repetition applies to all creation and transformation in nature.


5. Space and Time

Fuxi placed each number in four directions and the center



The numbers show each state of the time process in a day


The numbers show each state of the time process in a year

Space and time
are the foundation of all beings' creation and transformation. Therefore the classification of space and time by numbers provides the standard such as a clock or calendar for perceiving each status in the process of all creation and transformation. Time is not simply linear nor circular, but spiral. It has eternal periodicity leading from the end of one cycle to the beginning of the next cycle. There are four basic steps in any time cycle, which are birth, growth, harvest, and rest. These basic steps apply to a cycle of day, year, and life span; morning, noon, evening, and night in a day, and spring, summer, autumn, and winter in a year, and childhood, youth, adult, and old in a life. Of course, we can easily assume that there are bigger cycles. The purpose of each cycle is embedded in its cycle; harvest, unification, or maturity.  

Cheonbugyeong reveals it with this phrase "One is the beginning; from Nothingness begins One. One is the end; in Nothingness ends One." and "One expands in mysterious ways while coming and going endlessly, a great change to the Function brings forth the immutable Basis.

“I wield the fourfold principle of birth, growth, harvest, and rest—this is the way of change through non-action. The sun and moon follow their courses at my command. If heaven deviates from its principle, nothing can exist.” [JSD Dojeon 2:16]

Truth is contained in numbers, 1 to 5 are birth number




The concept of Yin & Yang and the Five Phases came from the numbers in Hado


Essence, Qi, Spirit

Sangjenim revealed, “When one devotedly cultivates and purifies themselves with dao, their essence and soul become densely concentrated, so upon their death, their soul ascends to heaven and never disperses. However, when one does not cultivate and purify themselves with dao, their soul eventually dissipates into nothingness like mere smoke.” ... “It is wise to pursue eternal life though you may be afflicted by hardships; it is unwise to forsake eternal life by succumbing to fleeting pleasures.” “Do not speak of whether heaven is right or wrong, speak instead of cultivating and purifying yourself with dao. Abandon worldly desires, and seek eternal life.” [JSD Dojeon 9:33, 102]

Quxian (臞仙) once said, 
"Essence(精) is the origin of the body, qi(氣) is the master of the spirit, and body(形) is the shelter of the spirit. Therefore, the spirit(神) becomes exhausted if the spirit is overused, the essence(精) dries out if the essence is overused, and gi(氣) is depleted if qi is overused. The base of the life of the human is the spirit, and the body relies on qi. The body is consumed when qi is depleted; in such a case, the person cannot live long. 

The heavenly soul(魂) is yang and the earthly soul(魄) is yin. The spirit feeds on qi and shape feeds on flavors; the spirit(神) becomes bright when qi(氣) is clear, and gi(氣) becomes cloudy when the shape(形) is tired. 
[The Maintenance and Nurturing of Essence, Qi, and the Spirit-Dongui-Bogam]

Five elements applied to the system of human consciousness


Hangeul basic vowels and consonants were invented according to the principle of heaven, earth, and humanity and the five elements

As there are natural sounds in heaven and earth, there must be natural writings in heaven and earth. ... In the winter of the year Gyehae (Black Pig, December 1443), His Majesty invented the 28 letters of the Hunminjeong'eum System, briefly demonstrated examples, and named it the Hunminjeong'eum. Its form imitates that of the scripts of old but its sound fits the seven melodies. Both character and sound encompass all the principles of three elements [heaven, earth, and humanity], the mystery of two energies [yin and yang].
[Jeong In-ji's Closing Remarks of Hunminjeongeum]

The Hado diagram was revealed by Fushi who was the last son of Taewoui Hwanung, the 5th emperor of the Baedal dynasty 5,500 years ago. This is the foundation of Eastern civilization



Hangeul has 14 consonants and  10 vowels.

This link to the site of Korean Alphabet is for learning Hangeul Letters and Character Sounds. It includes the basic Korean Alphabet chart for basic vowels and consonants. You can hear the sounds of each consonant and vowel of Hangeul on this webpage. 

The structure of Korean syllables

The syllables begin with a consonant letter, then a vowel letter, and then potentially another consonant letter called a batchim (Korean: 받침). If the syllable begins with a vowel sound, the consonant ㅇ (ng) acts as a silent placeholder.


[侍天主呪 시천주주]
[The Sicheonjuju Mantra]

侍天主造化定 永世不忘萬事知 至氣今至願爲大降
시천주조화정 영세불망만사지 지기금지원위대강
Si-cheon-ju Jo-hwa-jeong Yeong-se-bul-mang-man-sa-ji Ji-gi-geum-ji-won-wi-dae-gang

“The Sicheonjuju Mantra embodies the basis of heaven and earth. The Sicheonjuju Mantra abounds with majestic qi, so all who chant it faithfully will find all their wishes within their reach.” [JSD Dojeon 2:114]

One day, as Taemonim was conducting a work of renewal regarding uitong, She declared, “The Sicheonjuju Mantra is the mantra for uitong, so chant it innumerable times to faithfully prepare yourselves for uitong.”She also said, “The sangssireum workers are those who faithfully chant the Sicheonjuju Mantra, so if you chant the Sicheonjuju Mantra with devotion, you will win the ox in the sangssireum showdown.” [JSD Dojeon 11:74]

The Sicheonjuju Mantra, the root mantra of the Supreme Dao of Mugeuk, is a mantra for receiving a heavenly mandate. The mantra avows that we must faithfully revere Sangjenim and serve Him as though He were our own parent. [JSD Dojeon 11:139]

When the disciples healed the sick, they did so mainly by chanting the Sicheonjuju Mantra, and there was no illness that they could not heal. Taemonim one day declared, “All creation-transformation lies within the Sicheonjuju Mantra.” [JSD Dojeon 11:148]


[太乙呪 태을주]
[The Taeeulju Mantra]

吽哆 훔치
太乙天 上元君 吽哩哆㖿都來 吽哩喊哩 娑婆訶
태을천 상원군 훔리치야도래 훔리함리 사파하
吽哆 훔치
Tae-eul-cheon Sang-won-gun Hoom-ri-chi-ya-do-rae Hoom-ri-ham-ri-sa-pa-ha

The Taeeulju Mantra brings serenity to the mind and spirit and to the heavenly soul and the earthly soul, allowing one to experience the resplendence of the holy spirits and communion with the spirit realm. It is the mantra that will save the world’s people. [JSD Dojeon 11:139]

“In the future, the world will be cleansed by a disease. All who have iniquitous minds will die, for the disease will cull the world’s people.”

“The Taeeulju Mantra will deliver the world’s people. The disease will be conquered only by the Taeeulju Mantra. ... The Taeeulju Mantra is a mantra of creation-transformation that expels the demon of disease and thus defeats all diseases. The Taeeulju Mantra heals all illnesses; the Taeeulju Mantra is the wish-fulfilling jewel. The Taeeulju Mantra delivers humanity and proclaims the teachings across the world. Therefore, chant the Taeeulju Mantra countless times. ... The Taeeulju Mantra is the mantra for storing water qi. The Taeeulju Mantra is the milk of the mother—the milk of heaven and earth—so those who do not chant the Taeeulju Mantra will all die. ... The Taeeulju Mantra is the yullyeo of the universe.” [JSD Dojeon 2:108]


[The Unjangju Mantra]

天下英雄關雲長 依幕處 謹請 天地八位諸將
천하영웅관운장 의막처 근청 천지팔위제장
Cheon-ha-yeong-ung-Gwan-un-jang Ui-mak-cheo Geun-cheong Cheon-ji-pal-wi-je-jang

六丁六甲 六丙六乙 所率諸將 一別屛營邪鬼
육정육갑 육병육을 소솔제장 일별병영사귀
Yuk-jeong-yuk-gap Yuk-byeong-yuk-eul So-sol-je-jang Il-byeol-byeong-yeong-sa-gwi

唵唵急急 如律令 娑婆訶
엄엄급급 여율령 사파하
Eom-eom-geup-geup Yeo-yul-ryeong Sa-pa-ha

Seo Hwa-im’s son was one day stricken with malaria, the chills leaving him shivering uncontrollably. At this time, Hwa-im’s wife, who had the surname Gahng, beheld with her spiritual eye that a malaria spirit was sitting next to her son, vigorously fanning him. The wife thus prayed in her heart to Sangjenim and Taemonim and then chanted the Unjangju Mantra; consequently, the spirit jumped about in agony, unable to withstand the power of the mantra. In the end, the spirit viciously pinched the son’s lips and took flight. Though the son’s lips swelled, he recovered from malaria. [JSD Dojeon 11:176]

Even should one commit treason, the Taeeulju Mantra will open the gate of their prison; even should one be convicted of murder, the Unjangju Mantra will open the gate of their prison.” [JSD Dojeon 9:89]