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Jeung San Do Meditation

by autumn wind 2023. 12. 25.

Jeung San Do is a spiritual movement that spreads the great dao of Sangjenim (Maitreya Buddha, the Ruler of the Universe) and the news of the coming cosmic autumn in which humanity will attain enlightenment and ageless longevity. Jeung San Do also conveys the message of Gaebyeok (‘The Great Opening’ or ‘The Arrival of a New Heaven, Earth, and Humanity’) and promotes meditation practices to transform ourselves into beings of light and immortality.

Korea has a 10,000 year history of the culture of meditation according to the teachings of Sangjenim. However, this history of Korean spirituality was completely erased during the Japanese invasion. Now, the world knows Korea having only about a 2,000 year history. 

Over 160 years ago, the message of Gaebyeok, or the Great Opening, was declared in Eastern Learning, Donghak. The meaning of the Great Opening is that the order of the universe, in which humans and all that exist, undergoes a profound change and becomes new.

Fifteen million followers of Eastern Learning announced the Great Opening, heralding the news of the birth of a new universe. They have sung the Sicheonjuju Mantra with one mind, the music of the universe that will open the world of the cosmic autumn.

Jeung San Do is the culmination of the teachings and meditation practices of Eastern Learning, which had led the 15 million followers toward self-cultivation and awakening, connecting with nature and the universe.

In Korea, as the influence of Eastern Learning waned and its legacy became blurred, the Taesang Jongdosanim and the Jongdosanim, the two supreme masters of Jeung San Do, rediscovered the essential teachings and practices of Eastern Learning and established Jeung San Do.

For more information, visit Jeung San Do's websites in Korean and English:


[Supreme Master of Dao]

Ahn Gyeong-jeon, the Jongdosanim is the head of Jeung San Do.

Life is a long journey of discoveries.

For me, a great discovery was the culture of light, which extends back 25,000 years to the days of Mago Castle in what is now Siberia. This culture was passed down to Hwanguk, Baedal, and Dangun Joseon nearly 10,000 years ago, and has continued to be passed down throughout the history of the Korean people. But invasions and distortions over the ages, most recently during Japanese colonialism, nearly effaced this culture of light.
In my efforts to recover Korea’s lost history and the archetypal culture of light, I have traveled the globe in search of records and remains and have discovered, to my astonishment, that signs of this light culture still remain in many lands.

What is this culture of light? During the time of Grandmother Mago, people received the light of the universe through true breathing or cosmic breathing. Moreover, through Grandmother Mago and her two daughters, people received a flower of light - the Seollyeohwa - and became beings of light possessing ageless longevity.
In today’s age of great transition - from the cosmic summer to the cosmic autumn - we must recover this culture of light for our self-preservation and transformation. We must recover our true original nature: beings of light. I am delighted to share with you this wondrous culture of light. I invite you to join me on a journey of becoming beings of light.


[Out with Darkness, In with Light] 

Meditation is a continuous process of removing darkness from our mind, body, and soul and filling them with light. 

What is this darkness?
It is negative emotions that rob us of tranquility, painful memories that haunt us day and night, and traumas that fester in our soul. 

What is light?
It is truth itself. It is the pure and bright energy of the universe. This light heals and rejuvenates our mind, body, and soul.

Meditation helps us escape the darkness and enter the realm of light. That is why meditation brings healing and true happiness.
When you meditate, you must forget everything. You must empty yourself. You must achieve nothingness. Then, dao will unfold. Meditation is a paradox: you must achieve nothingness to attain dao.

Jeung San Do offers four basic forms of meditation to help people attain healing and true happiness:

*Mantra meditation.
*Breathing meditation.
*Purification meditation.
*Flower of light meditation.

[The Cosmic Autumn Approaches]

Time flows in cycles that evolve into greater cycles. For instance, cycles of days evolve into the cycle of a month, and cycles of months evolve into the cycle of a year. Earth year cycles eventually evolve into one cosmic year of 129,600 earth years.

During the cosmic year, humanity arises and proliferates in the cosmic spring and cosmic summer, which together form the Early Heaven. Humanity becomes enlightened beings in the cosmic autumn, which is the Later Heaven. The cosmic winter is the great ice age.

What does this mean? Why is this relevant to us?

We live in the age of great transition. The cosmic summer will soon end, and the cosmic autumn will soon begin.

The cosmic summer has been an era of growth, division, and conflict, which caused untold bitterness and grief among all of humanity. As we near the end of the cosmic summer, the human and spirit realms boil with conflict due to unresolved bitterness and grief. Moreover, our natural environment is deteriorating with increasing speed. Extreme weather patterns are battering our planet. These are just some of the telltale signs that something big is coming our way.

That something is Gaebyeok, the rebirth of heaven, earth, and humanity.

Gaebyeok is the transition from the cosmic summer to the cosmic autumn. Because gaebyeok is the precursor to the cosmic autumn, it is also called the 'Autumn Gaebyeok.' Like childbirth, the Autumn Gaebyeok will entail both enormous pain and joy. The Autumn Gaebyeok will give birth to a new heaven, earth, and humanity, marking the beginning of the cosmic autumn. 

When the cosmic autumn arrives, humanity will attain enlightenment and become beings of light. As enlightened immortals, humanity will build a civilization of light and of wondrous material and spiritual advancements.

[Why must we meditate?]

Meditation is more important than ever because the Autumn Gaebyeok is coming.

The Autumn Gaebyeok will manifest in the forms of a catastrophic war, a catastrophic disease, and a pole shift:

 … all the malevolent karma of the Early Heaven will create a devastating disease and trigger massive upheavals throughout the world. The catastrophic disease will follow in the wake of the catastrophic war. (Dojeon 7:30) 
At the outbreak of the catastrophic disease, all the world's arts of medicine will become useless. (Dojeon 7:31)
When the catastrophic disease strikes, it will first invade the pharmacies and hospitals, and humanity will face complete annihilation. (Dojeon 7:29)
You will suffer a world in which sea becomes land and land becomes sea. (Dojeon 11:188)
When earthquakes become frequent in the world, know that Gaebyeok is nearing. (Dojeon 7:12)

At this time, as the world nears the Autumn Gaebyeok, meditation is vital to our self-preservation and transformation. 

Meditation helps us overcome harmful lifestyles that undermine our mental, emotional, and physical well-being. And it brings a healing of our mind, body, and soul. 

Meditation gives us protection from diseases and ultimately from the catastrophic disease. Meditation awakens us, enabling us to foresee the tribulations leading up to the Autumn Gaebyeok.

Meditation transforms us as we discover our original spiritual self and activate the spiritual DNA deep within our original being. This is a vital step toward attaining enlightenment.



[Mantra Meditation]

In Jeung San Do, there are two major mantras for receiving the divine energy of the universe: the Sicheonjuju Mantra and the Taeeulju Mantra.  
Immense energy resides within the Sicheonjuju Mantra (Dojeon 7:23)
The Sicheonjuju Mantra is the mantra for enlightenment into healing, so chant it innumerable times to faithfully prepare yourselves to attain enlightenment into healing. (Dojeon 11:74)
The Taeeulju Mantra is the breast of the mother the breast of heaven and earth so never cease suckling the breast of heaven and earth. (Dojeon 7:56)
The Taeeulju Mantra will deliver the world's people. The [catastrophic] disease will be conquered only by the Taeeulju Mantra. (Dojeon 2:108)

Faithful chanting of these mantras brings healing to you and others, connects you to the holy spirits of the universe, and strengthens your mind and body to ultimately overcome the catastrophic disease of the Autumn Gaebyeok.

The Sicheonjuju and Taeeulju mantras can be chanted in four ways:

Group chanting. Chanting with your family or fellow dao practitioners.
Chanting alone. Chanting by yourself, out loud.
Whisper chanting. Chanting that is audible only to yourself.
Silent chanting. Chanting done solely within your mind.

Mantra chanting should be bright and vibrant, and should not be conducted with sadness or darkness in your voice.

When chanting mantras, chant with proper breaks, pitch, and rhythm. … Mantra chanting that is not in harmony vexes the spirits. (Dojeon 8:49)



[Breathing Meditation]

Commom breathing is shallow breathing with your chest. This breathing only inhales oxygen and exhales carbon dioxide. 

'True breathing' is deep breathing that also gathers energy in your lower danjeon, which is a spot located about five centimeters below the navel and about two-thirds of the way inside your lower belly. Through true breathing, you can breathe in the divine light of the universe and breathe out the darkness of your mind, body, and soul. 
'Om-hoom breathing' is also deep breathing for receiving yullyeo ("pure yin and yang"), the original vibrations of the universe. Om came into being when all vibrations became one at the beginning of the universe. Hoom evolved from om. When you exhale, make the sound om. When you inhale, make the sound hoom in your mind. The vibrations of om and hoom will refresh all the cells in your body.

Forming an Orb of Light in Your Lower Danjeon

Your lower danjeon is a portal for receiving cosmic energy. It is the fount of energy in your body. 

Through true breathing, you begin the process of forming an 'orb of light' in your lower danjeon. To advance the forming of this orb of light, chant the Sicheonjuju and Taeeulju mantras with laser focus, eschewing all random thoughts. The mantra chanting will pull into your body the divine energy of the universe, which will appear as beads of light that converge inside your lower danjeon. When this energy accumulates, it will eventually coalesce into an orb of light that resembles an egg. 

When your orb of light is fully formed, the water and fire energies in your body will combine into one, giving birth to a spirit who will be your lifelong companion and guide in your quest to attain dao. 



[Purification Meditation]

There are energy pathways inside your body through which energy flows. Eastern medicine, which includes acupuncture, moxibustion, and herbal treatment is based on this understanding of energy circulation within the human body. 

These energy pathways clog easily due to stress, negative emotions, poor diet, or harmful habits. Keeping these pathways clean and unobstructed ensures a proper circulation of energy, improving the health of your body and mind. Moreover, cleansed energy pathways are vital to receiving the light and energy of the universe.

The most significant energy pathways are the penetrating vessel, conception vessel, and governing vessel, which are connected to all the energy pathways in your body. The penetrating vessel runs vertically along the center of your body. The conception and governing vessels, which form a complete energy circuit, run along the front and back of your body. These three vessels are vital to circulating the water and fire energies between your perineum (located between your legs) and the crown of your head.

There are various ways of purifying the three energy vessels. For instance, true breathing meditation and om-hoom breathing meditation are effective, but they require extensive time and dedication.

A powerful purification meditation is 'rod of light' meditation. This meditation begins with you receiving divine light from Sangjenim, who is the Ruler of the Universe, and from the Holy Spirit of Great Emptiness, who is the origin of all light. Then, you imagine combining the light you received from them to form a rod of light of any size. Next, imagine inserting this rod of light into your penetrating, conception, and governing vessels and using it to vigorously unclog energy blockages as you chant the Sicheonjuju and Taeeulju mantras. 

This purification meditation is an essential preparation for receiving the Seollyeohwa, the flower of cosmic light.



[Flower of Light Meditation]

The Seollyeohwa, the flower of cosmic light, brings healing to your body and ultimately transforms your body into that of an immortal of ageless longevity. Meditation with the Seollyeohwa began 25,000 years ago during the time of the immortal culture of Mago Castle, located in what is now Siberia.

Today, Seollyeohwa meditation is guided by the Jongdosanim ("Supreme Master of Dao") of Jeung San Do as he transmits this flower of cosmic light from the source, the divine spirits Grandmother Mago and her daughters Sohi and Gunghi to meditation practitioners. Through the Jongdosanim's teachings and his Seollyeohwa transmittal, practitioners receive this flower of cosmic light and fill their bodies with the divine light of the universe, gradually transforming themselves every day.

Seollyeohwa meditation entails three stages:

Planting the flowers of light 
Imagine duplicating the original Seollyeohwa kept inside your forehead. Then, plant the duplicates in your bones, muscles, organs, or any ailing body part.

Dividing the flowers of light
Imagine these planted flowers of light quickly dividing into smaller and smaller flowers. Like twinkling stars filling the night sky, these flowers of light fill your cellular, subcellular, and subatomic realms.

Exploding the flowers of light 
Imagine all the tiny flowers of light in these realms exploding simultaneously, flooding your inner world with light. As a result, your body becomes one with the light of the Seollyeohwa.

During the three stages of Seollyeohwa meditation, dynamic meditation (or 'movement meditation') is conducted while chanting or listening to the Sicheonjuju Mantra or the Taeeulju Mantra.

Source of the contents: HWAN, K-Healing Meditation of Light