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Dongui Bogam

Dongui Bogam_24_Control Desire to Store Essence

by autumn wind 2023. 12. 20.


[Control Desire to Store Essence]

內經以八八之數, 爲精髓竭之年, 是當節其慾矣. 千金方載素女論, 六十者閉精勿泄, 是慾當絶矣. 宜節不知節, 宜絶不能絶, 坐此而喪生, 盖自取之也. 《資生經》
It is said in the Inner Classic (內經) that the essence is used up at the age of 64, so one must control one's desires. In the Essential Prescriptions Worth a Thousand Gold for Emergencies (千金方), it introduces a phrase from the Classic of the Pure Girl on Coitus (素女經) which says: "Protect and never let go of the essence at the age of 60; the desire must be controlled. If one does not control what must be controlled and does not stop what must be stopped, life will be lost. It is like inviting disaster on one's own will."

人年四十以下, 多有放恣, 四十以上, 卽頓覺氣力衰退, 衰退旣至, 衆病蜂起, 久而不治, 遂至不救. 若年過六十, 有數旬不得交合而意中平平者, 自可閉固也. 又曰, 凡覺陽事輒成, 必謹而抑之, 不可縱心竭意, 以自戕也. 若一度制得, 則一度火滅, 一度增油. 若不能制, 縱慾施瀉, 卽是膏火將滅, 更去其油, 可不深自防也. 《養生書》
One tends to act haplessly before the age of 40 and suddenly realizes the lack of energy and strength after 40. Many diseases occur like a swarm of bees after strength weakens, and they get worse until there is no way to be saved if they are not treated for a long time. A person who does not have intercourse for many days and still remains in peace after turning 60 is a person who is able to protect oneself very well. Also, it is said that: "One must control and stop even if desire occurs suddenly; one would harm oneself if one lets one's mind loose and does whatever the mind leads. If one stops once, it would be the same as putting out the flame of desire and saving oil. If one does not control oneself and emits semen by following desires, it is the same as adding oil when the flame on the lamp is about to go out. Why would one not prevent this?"

仙書曰, 慾多則損精, 苟能節精, 可得長壽也.
It is said in the Immortals' Writings (仙書): "The essence is wasted if desire overflows; one must truly save essence to live long." 

靜坐則腎水自升, 獨居則房色自絶. 《入門》
Kidney Water increases itself if one sits calmly; desire disappears of itself if one lives by oneself. One must use a Shrink Penis Secret Method.

[Tonifying Essence with Tastes]

內經曰, 精生於穀. 又曰, 精不足者, 補之以味. 然醴郁之味, 不能生精, 惟恬憺之味, 乃能補精. 洪範論味而曰, 稼穡作甘. 世間之物, 惟五穀得味之正, 但能淡食穀味, 最能養精. 凡煮粥飯, 而中有厚汁滾作一團者, 此米之精液所聚也. 食之最能生精, 試之有效. 《眞詮》
It is said in the Inner Classic (內經): "Essence comes from grains." Also, it is said, "Tonify with food if essence lacks." Anything fermented and that has a strong smell cannot make essence; only the food with a mild taste can tonify the essence. Great Plan (洪範) talks about tastes and says: "Sweetness comes from grains." Only the five grains among all foods have true tastes, which is why eating grains of mild taste is the best way to tonify essence. Thick juice flows to the center after boiling porridge or rice; it is the essence of rice. This juice grows essence the best, and its effects can be proved."