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Dongui Bogam

Dongui Bogam_26_Qi Is the Basis of Essence and the Spirit

by autumn wind 2023. 12. 20.


[Qi Is the Basis of Essence and the Spirit]

東垣曰, 氣者神之祖, 精乃氣之子, 氣者, 精神之根蔕也. 茅眞君曰, 氣是添年藥, 心爲使氣神, 若知行氣主, 便是得仙人. 《養性》
Dongyuan said, "Qi is the ancestor of spirit, and essence is the child of qi. Therefore, qi is the basis of essence and spirit." Mao Zhenjun said, "Qi is the drug which elongates life, and the heart controls qi and spirit. One can become an immortal if one knows the master that controls qi."

[Qi Originates from the Grains]

靈樞曰, 人受氣於穀, 穀入於胃, 以傳與肺, 五藏六府, 皆以受氣. 其淸者爲榮, 其濁者爲衛, 榮在脉中, 衛在脉外. 營周不休, 五十度而復大會, 陰陽相貫, 如環無端.
Divine Pivot (靈樞) says, "A person gets qi from grains. Grains enter the stomach, get passed on to the lungs, and the five viscera and six bowels all receive the qi. Of the qi received, pure qi becomes nutrient qi and impure qi becomes defense qi. Nutrient qi flows within the meridians and defense qi flows outside the meridians. Nutrient qi and defense qi circulate within the body 50 times without rest and reunite. Yin and yang penetrate each other and circulate without rest."

又曰, 上焦開發, 宣五穀味, 熏膚, 充身, 澤毛, 若霧露之漑, 是謂氣.
It also says, "The upper energizer distributes the five flavors of the five grains, thus warming the skin,  constituting the body, and nourishing the hair. As fog and dew moisten all things, gi moistens the body."

正理曰, 日啖飮食之精熟者, 益氣, 此氣生於穀, 故從气從米. 人身之中, 全具天地陰陽造化之氣, 得勤而用之. 人年二十而氣壯, 節慾少勞, 則氣長而緩, 多慾勞倦, 則氣少而短. 氣少則身弱, 身弱則病生, 病生則命危矣.
Complete Compendium of the True Principles of the Golden Elixir (正理) says, "Essence from every food replenishes qi. Because qi comes from grains, the character is composed by combining qi (气) and mi (米). Because qi that has created yin and yang of the heaven and earth exists in the body in its entirety, one must use it carefully. When one reaches 20, his or her qi becomes mature; the qi is restored if he or she cuts down on his or her desire and uses less strength, and the qi is reduced and shortened if he or she is desirous or exhausted. Reduced gi leads to the weak body, which in turn leads to disease, which finally results in danger to one's life."