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Dongui Bogam

Dongui Bogam_33_Lungs and Qi

by autumn wind 2023. 12. 21.


[Instructions for Administrating Medicinals]

正傳曰, 男子屬陽, 得氣易散, 女人屬陰, 遇氣多鬱. 是以男子之氣病常少, 女人之氣病常多. 故治法曰, 女人宜調其血, 以耗其氣, 男子宜調其氣, 以養其血.
The Orthodox Transmission of Medicine (正傳) says, "When a male acquires qi, it is likely to dissipate because men are yang. When a female acquires qi, it is likely to stagnate because women are yin. Therefore, qi diseases happen seldom in men and a lot in women. Thus the treatment women should use is the balancing of blood to use up qi; whereas men should use the balancing of qi to nurture blood." 

入門曰, 七情總發於一心, 七氣總隷於一氣, 氣陽也. 動則爲火. 故以降火化痰消積, 分治之. 大槪氣虛, 四君子湯, 氣實, 小烏沈湯, 火多, 合黃連解毒湯方見傷寒, 痰多, 合二陳湯方見痰飮, 積多, 合平胃散方見五藏.
The Introduction to Medicine (入門) says, "The seven emotions come from the mind, and the seven qi all belong to qi. Qi becomes Fire when they move because they are yang. Therefore, the steps of treatment are divided into subduing Fire, alleviating phlegm, and removing accumulation. Generally, when gi is deficient, a Four Gentlemen Decoction is used and when qi is excessive, a Minor Lindera and Aquilaria Decoction is used. When there is too much Fire, add a Coptis Detoxification Decoction. [The prescription is shown in the chapter Cold Damage]. And when there is too much phlegm, add a Syzygii Flos Relieve Stomach Decoction. [The prescription is shown in the chapter Phlegm]. When there is too much accumulation, add Calm Stomach Powder. [The prescription is shown in the chapter Five Viscera]."

方氏曰, 氣病用氣藥而不效者, 氣之所藏無以收也. 盖肺主氣, 腎藏氣, 靑木香元ㆍ木香順氣丸, 皆用破故紙, 所以使氣升降而歸於腎藏也.
Mr. Fang said, "If using qi medicine for a qi disease is ineffective, it is because qi storage cannot gather qi. The lungs govern qi and the kidneys store qi. The reason for using Psoraleae Semen (破故紙) for both an Aristolochia Formula and Aucklandia Smooth Qi Pill is to give rise to qi and to get it to return to the kidneys."

[Six Kinds of Exhalations]

噓肝氣, 呵心氣, 呼脾氣, 呬肺氣, 吹腎氣, 嘻三焦氣, 其法以口吐鼻取, 能去病延壽.
When tonifing one's own liver qi, one should make the sound 'Heo (噓)'; when tonifing heart qi, one should make the sound 'Ga (呵)'; when tonifying spleen qi, one should make the sound 'Ho (呼)'; when tonifing lung qi, one should make the sound 'Hui (呬)'; when tonifing kidney qi, one should make the sound 'Chwi (吹)'; when tonifying triple energizer qi, one should make the sound 'Hui (嘻). If one exhales the qi with his or her mouth and inhales with nose, he or she will live longer without diseases. 

肝若噓時目爭精, 肺知呬氣手雙擎, 心呵頂上連叉手, 腎吹抱取膝頭平, 脾病呼時須撮口, 三焦客熱臥嘻嘻.
When one makes the sound 'Heo (噓)', he or she should glare; when one makes the sound 'Hui (呬)', he or she should raise the hands up; when one makes the sound 'Ga (呵), he or she should put the hands on the head with knuckled hands; when one makes the sound 'Chwi (吹)', he or she should hold the lap. When one makes the sound 'Ho (呼)' because of spleen disease, he or she must rub the mouth. When one has heat in the triple energizer, one must make the sound 'huihui (嘻嘻)' while lying down. 

春噓養肝, 夏呵養心, 秋呬養肺, 冬吹養腎, 四季呼養脾, 不時嘻養三焦, 切忌出聲聞於口耳也. 《臞仙》
In spring, one can make the sound 'Heo (噓) to tonify liver qi; in summer, one can make the sound 'Ga (呵)' to tonify heart qi; in fall, one can make the sound 'Hui (嘻)' to tonify lung qi; in winter one can make the sound 'Chwi (吹)' to tonify kidney qi; in all seasons, one can make the sound 'Ho (呼)' to tonify spleen qi; at any time, one can make the sound 'Hui (嘻)' to tonify triple energizer qi, but never make the sound loud enough to be heard.

肝病, 大呼三十遍, 細呼十遍, 心病, 大呵三十遍, 細呵十遍, 脾病, 大呼三十遍, 細呼十遍, 肺病, 大呬三十遍, 細呬十遍, 腎病, 大吹五十遍, 細吹十遍, 皆須左右導引然後乃爲之. 《得效》
When suffering from liver diseases, say 'Ho (呼)' loudly 30 times and then quietly 10 times; when suffering from heart diseases, say 'Ga(呵)' loudly 30 times and then quietly 10 times; when suffering from spleen diseases, say 'Ho (呼) loudly 30 times and then quietly 10 times; when suffering from lung diseases, say 'Hui (嘻)' loudly 30 times and then quietly 10 times; when suffering from kidney diseases, say 'Chwi (吹)' loudly 50 times and then quietly 10 times. Every voicing should be done after doing guiding-pulling exercises in both the left and right.