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Hwandan Gogi

Sam-il-sin-go 5 Humans and All Things

by autumn wind 2023. 12. 9.

5. 人物 (167字)

人物이 同受三眞이나
惟衆은 迷地하야
三妄이 着根하고 
眞妄이 對하야 作三途니라.

人은 全之하고 物은 偏之니라.
眞性은 善無惡하니 上哲이 通하고
眞命은 淸無濁하니 中哲이 知하고
眞精은 厚無薄하니 下哲이 保하나니
返眞하얀 一神이니라.

心은 依性이나 有善惡하니 善福惡禍하고
氣는 依命이나 有淸濁하니 淸壽濁妖하고
身은 依精이나 有厚薄하니 厚貴薄賤이니라.

感엔 喜懼哀怒貪厭이오
息엔 芬寒熱震濕이오
觸엔 聲色臭味淫抵니라.

衆은 善惡과 淸濁과 厚薄이 相雜하야

墮生長消病歿의 苦하고
哲은 止感하며 調息하며 禁觸하야
一意化行하고 改妄卽眞하야
性通功完이 是니라.

Chapter 5 Humans and All Things

“Humans and all other beings are endowed with the three truths (nature, life, and essence). However, only humans become bewildered during their earthly life, causing the three delusions (mind, qi, and body) to take root. These three delusions interact with the three truths, giving rise to the three paths (emotion, breathing, and sensation)

“The three truths are nature(性), life(命), and essence(精). Humans are fully endowed with the three truths, but all other beings are partially endowed with them only to varying degrees. True nature is good without evil. Those of supreme radiance are enlightened to this nature. True life is clarity without haze. Those of moderate radiance are fully awakened to this life. True essence is abundance without paucity. Those of modest radiance preserve this essence. Humans will become one with the One God upon recovering the three truths." 

“The three delusions are mind(心), qi(氣), and body(身). Though mind is contingent upon nature, it can be good or evil. If your mind is good, you will be blessed. If your mind is evil, you will incur disaster. Though qi is contingent upon life, it can be clear or hazy. If your qi is clear, you will enjoy longevity. If your qi is hazy, you will die young. Though the body is contingent upon essence, it can experience abundance or paucity. If your body experiences abundance, you will be noble. If your body experiences paucity, you will be mean."

“The three paths are emotion(感), breathing(息), and sensation(觸). The three paths change once more to form the eighteen boundaries: emotion consists of joy and fear, sorrow and anger, covetousness and aversion; breathing consists of fragrance and putridity, cold and heat, dryness and wetness; sensation consists of sound and color, smell and taste, indulgence and restraint.

Running as they please along the boundary path intermingling the mind’s goodness and evil, qi’s clarity and haze, and the body’s abundance and paucity,  common people succumb to the agony of birth, growth, aging, sickness, and death. However, the radiant among us completely restrain their emotions, regulate their breathing, and renounce sensation. Meditating with a single aspiration, they rectify the three delusions and advance to the three truths, ultimately arousing the great spirit dwelling within. To do so is to become enlightened to your nature and accomplish meritorious deeds for the world .”

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