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Spirit Teaching’s Three Daos and the Realization

by autumn wind 2023. 12. 11.

The three-legged bronze pot is also the symbol of threeness.

[神敎의 三道 精神과 性·命·精과 眞·善·美의 實現 問題]

大辯經에 曰왈
神市氏는 以佺修戒하사 敎人祭天하시니
所謂佺은 從人之所自全하야 能通性以成眞也오.
靑邱氏는 以仙設法하사 敎人管境하시니
所謂仙은 從人之所自山하야 能知命以廣善也오.
朝鮮氏는 以倧建王하사 敎人責禍하시니 
所謂倧은 從人之所自宗하야 能保精以濟美也라.
故로 佺者는 焉而本乎天하고
仙者는 焉而本乎地하고
倧者는 焉而本乎人也니라.

[Spirit Teaching’s Three Daos and the Realization of: Nature, Life, Essence; Truth, Goodness, Beauty]

Daebyeongyeong records: 
The ruler of Sinsi (the first Hwanung of Baedal) studied the precepts of the dao of jeon and taught people rituals to heaven. Jeon(佺) is the realization of truth upon complete enlightenment into universal nature by one’s complete foundation.

The ruler of Cheonggu established laws based upon the dao of seon and instructed people in the partitioning of land with borders for the sake of governance. Seon(仙) is the extension of goodness upon realizing one’s true life by one’s original nature.

The ruler of Joseon established kingship by the dao of jong and taught people the system of chaekhwa. Jong(倧) is the achievement of beauty by humans through the proper preservation of their essence (i.e., by becoming great humans) by their status as the pinnacle of all beings in the universe.

“Therefore, among these three daos:
embodies emptiness and is based upon the dao of heaven;
seon(仙) embodies radiance and is based upon the dao of earth;
jong(倧) embodies vitality and is based on the dao of humanity.”

 1 the dao of jeon. It originates from the teachings the first Hwanung of Baedal bestowed upon his people according to jeon. The term ‘jeon’ refers to a person of integrity who possesses genuine wisdom and virtue and remains true to the heavenly way.
 2 the Ruler of Cheonggu. This refers to the fourteenth Hwanung, Hwanung Jaoji (also known as ‘Heavenly Emperor Chiu’ of Baedal). ‘Cheonggu’ was the name of the place where Heavenly Emperor Chiu relocated the capital after resettling further west. As such, it is another name for Baedal.
 3 the dao of seon. It originated from the teachings Chiu, the fourteenth Heavenly Emperor of Baedal, bestowed upon the people by establishing law according to the dao of the immortals. Based on the earthly way, this is the dao of bestowing widespread virtue upon becoming enlightened to one’s eternal life force.
 4 the Ruler of Joseon. This refers to Dangun Wanggeom, who established Ancient Joseon as the successor to Baedal, made Asadal its capital, and was its first ruler.
 5 the dao of jong. It originated from the teachings the Dangun bestowed upon the people after becoming the first ruler of Ancient Joseon. Rooted in the way of humanity, the dao of jong is the realization of beauty upon becoming a great human through the preservation of one’s essence.
 6 chaekhwa. A system practiced since the Baedal era, it required a village to offer livestock such as horses or cows as compensation when one of its members violated the borders of a neighboring village.