[Heo Jun's Explanatory Comments]
臣謹按人身內有五藏六府, 外有筋骨肌肉血脉皮膚, 以成其形, 而精氣神, 又爲藏府百體之主.
As I have observed, humans have five viscera and six bowels inside, sinews and bones, flesh, blood vessels, and skin outside, which forms a physical shape, essence, qi, and a spirit, which are the master of the viscera, bowels, and the whole body. Thus the Daoists' Three Principles (三要) and Buddha's Four Greats (四大) have all said this.
故道家之三要, 釋氏之四大, 皆謂此也, 黃庭經有內景之文, 醫書亦有內外境象之圖.
There is a book titled The Scripture of the Yellow Court (黃庭經) about internal bodily elements (內景), and medical books that illustrate the body's interior and exterior (內外境象).
道家以淸靜修養爲本, 醫門以藥餌鍼灸爲治, 是道得其精, 醫得其粗也.
Daoists emphasize purification(淸靜) and cultivation(修養) as principal; doctors treat diseases with medicinals, diet, acupuncture, and moxa. Daoists are thus precise and physicians have a general grasp of the matter.
今此書, 先以內景精氣神藏府爲內篇, 次取外境頭面手足筋脉骨肉爲外篇, 又採五運六氣, 四象三法, 內傷外感, 諸病之證, 列爲雜篇, 末著湯液鍼灸, 以盡其變, 使病人開卷目擊, 則虛實輕重吉凶死生之兆, 明若水鏡, 庶無妄治夭折之患矣.
In this book, the essence, qi, spirit, viscera and bowels, and the internal elements comprise the Internal Chapter (內篇), and the head, face, hands, feet, sinews, vessels, bones, flesh, and the external elements comprise the External Chapter (外篇). Also, the five circulations and the six qi (五運六氣), the four manifestations (四象), the three methods (三法), internal damage, external contractions, and various symptoms of diseases are discussed in the Miscellaneous Chapter (雜篇). Lastly, there is a Herbs Chapter and an Acupuncture Chapter to complete. Thus the signs of deficiency and excess, lightness and severity, good and ill, and life and death will be revealed as clearly as a mirror to any patient who opens this book, and thus the misfortune of dying from wrong treatments will almost disappear.
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