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Sangsaeng World Center Topping-off Ceremony The SangSaeng World Center (SWC) is the central hub dedicated to restoring the ancient Korean cultural heritage and historical roots of East Asia, which date back 10,000 years to the eras of Hwanguk, Baedal, and Joseon. The center aims to spread the culture of life-giving and Gaebyeok worldwide, leading the way to a new civilization of creation in the Later Heaven. After approximately a decade o.. 2024. 8. 31.
The Light Flower Meditation The Light Flower Meditation / Beginner's Course / Breathing, Om-Hoom Sound, Jeongdan Creation[The Meritorious Deed and Virtue of Pioneering a Dojang] Sangjenim one day revealed to the disciples, “My work is like that of a wandering vagabond. Long ago, this person lived his life prodigally, irresolute of will and principle, but one day thought to himself, ‘I have accomplished nothing in my life a.. 2024. 8. 29.
Seollyeohwa ("Flower of Light") Meditation It starts at 17:23 in this video clip.Meditation for Hallyu Fans Seollyeohwa ("Flower of Light") Meditation with English subtitle It is time to receive the Seollyeohwa.First, a flower of white light will descend gently from heaven. Imagine receiving it into your body and dividing it into countless smaller and smaller flowers. Then, your inner world will be filled with flowers. It’s important to .. 2024. 4. 29.
Seollyeohwa Meditation for Hallyu Fans <figure data-ke-type="video" data-ke-style="alignCenter" data-video-host="youtube" data-video-url="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RrdahaqmEzg" data-video-thumbnail="https://scrap.kakaocdn.net/dn/pFwX5/hyVVHhS7S7/FEkirdFzouO7WDkVg3OFUk/img.jpg?width=1280&height=720&face=924_252_1056_396" data-video-width="800" data-video-height="450" data-video-origin-width="860" data-video-origin-height.. 2024. 4. 23.
Eastern Meditation of Immortality with Seonjeonghwa, the flower of cosmic light Today's event marks the beginning of a journey towards an immortal paradise of Later Heaven, gathering at the Sangseang World Center. Attendees are called to meditate using the Seonjeonghwa, the flower of cosmic light. This historic occasion resonates with humanity's golden age, offering a chance for modern individuals to embrace meditation's timeless practice. As we navigate uncertain times, me.. 2024. 4. 18.
Light: Nature's Miracle Medicine-1 Light: Nature's Miracle Medicine From the time of early historical accounts to the present day, people have recognized that cyclic or rhythmic patterns are an integral part of the functioning of all dynamic systems. Originating at a level probably outside of our own universe, these cycles affect all other dynamic systems residing within our universe. In a stair-step or dominolike manner, the cos.. 2024. 2. 29.
JSD Terms mutual conflict and domination. 상극 (相克). Sanggeuk (sang, “mutual”; geuk “to subdue,” “to overcome,” or “to restrain.”). According to Eastern cosmology, the universe consists of five elements (i.e., wood, fire, earth, metal, and water). In this cosmology, mutual conflict and domination is a natural dynamic wherein one element subdues or restrains another (i.e., wood restrains earth, earth restrai.. 2024. 2. 22.
The Taeeulju Mantra The Taeeulju Mantra brings serenity to the mind and spirit and to the heavenly soul and the earthly soul, allowing one to experience the resplendence of the holy spirits and communion with the spirit realm. It is the mantra that will save the world’s people. 7태을주 (太乙呪) The Taeeulju Mantra 吽哆 훔치 太乙天 上元君 吽哩哆㖿都來 吽哩喊哩 娑婆訶 태을천 상원군 훔리치야도래 훔리함리 사파하 吽哆 훔치 Hoom-chi Tae-eul-cheon Sang-won-gun Hoom-ri-chi-.. 2024. 1. 14.
The Sicheonjuju Mantra [Sicheonju: Serve Sangjenim Who Incarnated into This World] 1“The Sicheonjuju Mantra embodies the basis of heaven and earth. 2The Sicheonjuju Mantra abounds with majestic qi, so all who chant it faithfully will find all their wishes within their reach.” 3시천주주 (侍天主呪) The Sicheonjuju Mantra 侍天主造化定 永世不忘萬事知 至氣今至願爲大降 시천주조화정 영세불망만사지 지기금지원위대강 Si-cheon-ju Jo-hwa-jeong Yeong-se-bul-mang-man-sa-ji Ji-gi-g.. 2024. 1. 14.
Heart-Seal Scripture of the Exalted Jade Sovereign [高上玉皇心印經] [Heart-Seal Scripture of the Exalted Jade Sovereign] 上藥三品 神與氣精 恍恍惚惚 杳杳冥冥 The supreme medicine has three qualities shin[神, consciousness/ spirit], qi[氣, energy], and jung[精, essence]. They are very ecstatic, far, and profound. 存無守有 頃刻而成 廻風混合 百日功靈 When preserving the intangible spirit[神], and guarding tangible jung[精], you will accomplish it in an instant. Circulate the qi[氣] through the.. 2023. 12. 30.
Jeung San Do Meditation Jeung San Do is a spiritual movement that spreads the great dao of Sangjenim (Maitreya Buddha, the Ruler of the Universe) and the news of the coming cosmic autumn in which humanity will attain enlightenment and ageless longevity. Jeung San Do also conveys the message of Gaebyeok (‘The Great Opening’ or ‘The Arrival of a New Heaven, Earth, and Humanity’) and promotes meditation practices to trans.. 2023. 12. 25.
The Secret of the Golden Flower The Secret of the Golden Flower; 太乙金華宗旨, a Chinese Taoist book about meditation, was first translated by Richard Wilhelm, a friend of Carl Jung, was German, and his translations from Chinese to German were later translated to English by Cary F. Baynes. According to Wilhelm, Lü Dongbin was the main originator of the material presented in the book (a section below, Reception from Chinese Taoists, .. 2023. 12. 25.
The Heavenly Learning (天學; Tian Xue) The Heavenly Learning (天學; Tian Xue) in Late Ming Dynasty and the Ideas of Tian in Early Confucianism by Lu Keija who is from the University of Southern California. [Introduction: “Heavenly Learning” in the 16th Century China] The name “Heavenly Learning” first appeared in the writing of an anonymous missionary in the late Ming Dynasty. It generally refers to the doctrine of Western missionaries.. 2023. 12. 25.
Zen Mind, Beginner's Mind Zen Mind, Beginner's Mind Beginner's Mind "In the beginner's mind, there are many possibilities, but in the expert's, there are few." People say that practicing Zen is difficult, It is difficult because it is hard to keep our mind pure and our practice pure in its fundamental sense. The goal of practice is always to keep our beginner's mind. (it may be our original mind or true nature) For Zen s.. 2023. 12. 25.
The Pei-Hsi Tzu-I (北溪字義) The Pei-Hsi Tzu-I (北溪字義) 1. Mind or heart (심 Sim; 心) The mind is the master of the body. Man's four limbs move, his hands hold things, and his feet step on the ground. He thinks of food when hungry and of drinks when thirsty, of hemp in the summer and fur in the winter. In all cases, the mind is the master. Generally, man receives the principle(理) of Heaven and Earth to be his nature(性) and the .. 2023. 12. 24.
Yinfujing or Eumbugyeong 陰符經 [Eumbugyeong or Yinfujing] 觀天之道 執天之行盡矣 天有五賊 見之者昌 五賊在心 施行于天 宇宙在乎手 萬化生乎身 天性人也 人心機也 立天之道 以定人也 天發殺氣 移星易宿 地發殺氣 龍蛇起陸 人發殺氣 天地反覆 天人合發 萬化定基 性有巧拙 可以伏藏 九竅之邪 在乎三要 可以動靜 火生于木 禍發必剋 姦生于國 時動必潰 知之修鍊 謂之聖人 Observe the Way of Heaven and hold the movements of Heaven, that is the utmost. There are five phases in Heaven and those who perceive them shall flourish. The five thieves dwell in the mind and widely utiliz.. 2023. 12. 24.
Jeung San Do Manila As Seekers, pioneers, and practitioners of ancient teachings, we, at Jeung San Do of the Philippines, follow the teachings of Jeung San Sangjenim and Great Mother Taemo Gosubunim, the Parents of the universe. As we practice ‘repayment of gratitude,’ resolving the bitterness and grief,’ and ‘mutual life betterment’ in our everyday lives, we aim to spread the messages of cosmic Autumn Gaebyeok and.. 2023. 12. 24.
Jeong In-ji's Closing Remarks of Hunminjeongeum [“Sangjenim then declared, “The world’s people will one day travel to Joseon to learn its language and writing.” ... “In the future, a new civilization will emerge.” He continued, “The world will come and learn from the Joseon civilization.” JSD Dojeon 5:7] Jeong In-ji's Closing Remarks 有天地自然之聲, 則必有天地自然之文. 所以古人因聲制字, 以通萬物之情, 以載三才之道, 而後世不能易也. 然四方風土區別, 聲氣亦隨而異焉. As there are natural sounds in heaven.. 2023. 12. 23.
Dongui Bogam_42_Five viscera and Six bowels [五臟六腑] [Five viscera and Six bowels] 先儒嘆, 世人務窮天地萬物之理, 不知我之一身, 五藏六府, 毛髮筋骨之所存, 況醫者乎. 《入門》 A wise man in the past lamented that "People study the creation of the heaven and earth but do not know the principles of how their own five viscera and six bowels, hair, muscles, and bones originated. Would not it be the most important for doctors to know these principles?!" 內經曰, 言人身之藏府中陰陽, 則藏者爲陰, 府者爲陽, 肝心脾肺.. 2023. 12. 21.
Dongui Bogam_41_Names of Spirits in the Body [人身神名] [The Names of Spirits in the Body] 黃庭經曰, 肝神龍烟字含明. 形長七寸, 靑錦衣, 鳳玉鈴, 狀如懸瓠, 其色靑紫. 心神丹元字守靈, 形長九寸, 丹錦飛裳, 狀如未開垂蓮, 其色赤. 脾神常在字魂停, 形長七寸六分, 黃錦之衣, 狀如覆盆, 其色黃. 肺神皓華字虛成, 形長八寸, 素錦衣裳, 黃雲之帶, 狀如華盖覆磬, 其色紅白. 腎神玄冥字育嬰, 形長三寸六分, 蒼錦之衣, 狀如圓石, 其色黑. 膽神龍曜字威明, 形長三寸六分, 九色錦衣, 綠華裙, 狀如懸瓠, 其色靑. The Scripture of the Yellow Court (黃庭經) says, "The name of the liver spirit is Yongyeon (龍烟, smoke of dragon) and its alias is Ham-.. 2023. 12. 21.
Dongui Bogam_40_Forgetfulness [健忘 Forgetfulness] 靈樞曰, 黃帝問人之善忘者, 何氣使然. 岐伯對曰, 上氣不足, 下氣有餘, 腸胃實而心肺虛, 虛則榮衛留於下, 久之不以時上, 故善忘也. 又曰, 腎盛怒而不止則傷志, 志傷則喜忘其前言. Divine Pivot (靈樞) says the following. "Huangdi (黃帝) said, 'What causes one to become forgetful?' Qibo (岐伯) said, 'It is because upper qi is deficient and lower qi is excessive; hence the intestines and stomach are excessive but the heart and lungs are deficient. When nutrient and de.. 2023. 12. 21.
Dongui Bogam_38_Throbbing [怔忡 Throbbing] 戴氏曰, 怔忡者, 心中躁動不安, 惕惕然如人將捕者, 是也. 多因汲汲富貴, 戚戚貧賤, 不遂所願而成也. Dai Yuanli (戴氏) said, "Throbbing is being anxious while the heart pounds or being fearful of someone chasing after oneself. It occurs when one is engrossed in money, worries about one's poverty, or when one cannot achieve one's desires." 綱目曰, 怔忡, 心動而不寧也. The Compendium of Medicine (綱目) says, "Throbbing is being uncomfortable w.. 2023. 12. 21.
Dongui Bogam_38_Sorts of Seven Emotions [喜 Joy] 內經曰, 心在志爲喜. 又曰, 心實則笑, 笑則喜. 又曰, 暴喜傷陽. 又曰, 喜怒傷氣. 又曰, 喜怒不節, 寒暑過度, 生乃不固. 又曰, 喜則氣緩. 盖喜則氣和志達, 榮衛通利, 故氣緩矣. The Inner Classic (內經) says, "The mind of the heart is joy." It also says, "One laughs if the heart is excessive. To laugh is to be joyous." It also says, "Being joyous all of a sudden damages yang." It also says, "Getting angry all of a sudden damages qi." It also says, "If one cannot con.. 2023. 12. 21.
Dongui Bogam_37_Spirit Commands the Seven Emotions [神統七情傷則爲病] [The Spirit Commands the Seven Emotions; One Gets Sick When the Seven Emotions Are Damaged] 心藏神, 爲一身君主, 統攝七情, 酬酢萬機. 七情者, 喜怒憂思悲驚恐也. 又魂神意魄志, 以爲神主, 故亦皆名神也. 《內經註》 The heart stores spirit and does a lot of work by commanding the seven emotions as the master of the body. The seven emotions refer to joy, anger, anxiety, thought, sorrow, fright, and fear. Also, because spirit is the master of.. 2023. 12. 21.
Dongui Bogam_36_The Five Viscera Store the Seven Spirits [五藏藏七神] [The Five Viscera Store the Seven Spirits] 內經曰, 五藏所藏, 心藏神, 肺藏魄, 肝藏魂, 脾藏意, 腎藏志. 又曰, 脾藏意與智, 腎藏精與志, 是謂七神. 註云, 神者, 精氣之化成也. 魄者, 精氣之匡佐也. 魂者, 神氣之輔弼也. 意者, 記而不忘者也. 志者, 專意而不移者也. The Inner Classic (內經) says, "What the five viscera store are as follow: the heart stores spirit, the lungs store the earthly soul, the liver stores the heavenly soul, the spleen stores ideation, and the kidneys store will.. 2023. 12. 21.
Dongui Bogam_35_Heart Stores Spirit [心藏神] [The Heart Stores Spirit] 臞仙曰, 心者, 神明之舍, 中虛不過徑寸, 而神明居焉. 事物之滑, 如理亂棼, 如涉驚浸. 或怵惕, 或懲創, 或喜怒, 或思慮, 一日之間, 一時之頃, 徑寸之地, 炎如火矣. 若嗜慾一萌, 卽不善也. 歸而勿納, 是與良心競也. 凡七情六慾之生於心皆然. 故曰, 心靜可以通乎神明, 事未至而先知. 是不出戶知天下, 不窺牖見天道也. 盖心如水之不撓, 久而澄淸, 洞見其底, 是謂靈明. 宜乎靜可以固元氣, 則萬病不生, 故能長久. 若一念旣萌, 神馳於外, 氣散於內, 血隨氣行, 榮衛昏亂, 百病相攻, 皆因心而生也. 大槪怡養天君, 疾病不作, 此治心之法也. Quxian (臞仙) said, "The heart is the house of the bright spirit. Its inside is.. 2023. 12. 21.
Dongui Bogam_34_Heart is the king of organs [神爲一身之主] [The Spirit Is the Master of the Body] 內經曰, 心者, 君主之官, 神明出焉. The Inner Classic (內經) says, "The heart is the king of organs from which bright spirit originates." 無名子曰, 天一生水, 在人曰精, 地二生火, 在人曰神. Someone said, "Heaven-One gives birth to Water, which becomes essence(精) in humans, and Earth-Two gives birth to Fire, which becomes spirit(神) in humans." 回春曰, 心者一身之主, 淸淨之府, 外有包絡以羅之. 其中精華之聚萃者, 名之曰神, .. 2023. 12. 21.
Dongui Bogam_33_Lungs and Qi [用藥法] [Instructions for Administrating Medicinals] 正傳曰, 男子屬陽, 得氣易散, 女人屬陰, 遇氣多鬱. 是以男子之氣病常少, 女人之氣病常多. 故治法曰, 女人宜調其血, 以耗其氣, 男子宜調其氣, 以養其血. The Orthodox Transmission of Medicine (正傳) says, "When a male acquires qi, it is likely to dissipate because men are yang. When a female acquires qi, it is likely to stagnate because women are yin. Therefore, qi diseases happen seldom in men and a lot in women. Th.. 2023. 12. 21.
Dongui Bogam_32_Disease Occurs because of the lack of Qi [氣不足生病] [Disease Occurs if One Does Not Have Enough Qi] 靈樞曰, 邪之所在, 皆爲不足. 故上氣不足, 腦爲之不滿, 耳爲之苦鳴, 頭爲之苦傾, 目爲之瞑. 中氣不足, 溲便爲之變, 腸爲之苦鳴. 下氣不足, 乃爲痿厥心悗. Divine Pivot (靈樞) says, "In all places where pathogenic qi is present, healthy qi is deficient. Therefore, if there is not enough qi in the upper part, the brain is not filled up. If this happens, one suffers from tinnitus, a tilted head, and blindness. If .. 2023. 12. 21.
Dongui Bogam_31_The Lungs Govern Qi [肺主氣] [The Lungs Govern Qi] 內經曰, 肺主氣. 又曰, 諸氣者, 皆屬於肺. 註曰, 肺有六葉兩耳, 葉中有二十四孔行列, 分布陰陽淸濁之氣. 又曰, 肺藏氣. 氣有餘則喘咳上氣, 不足則息利少氣. The Inner Classic (內經) says, "The lungs govern qi." It also says "All gi belong to the lungs." In the Annotation, "There are 6 leaves and 2 ears to each lung. There are 24 holes in the leaves, through which yin and yang, clear and turbid qi divide and spread." It also says, "The lung.. 2023. 12. 21.