[Living According to the Four Seasons]
春三月, 此謂發陳. 天地俱生, 萬物以榮, 夜臥早起, 廣步於庭, 被髮緩形, 以使志生, 生而勿殺, 予而勿奪, 賞而勿罰. 此春氣之應, 養生之道也. 逆之則傷肝, 夏爲寒變, 奉長者少.
The three months of spring are called the period of the beginning. It is when the universe is born and all things develop and flourish. One must sleep late and wake up early, stroll the garden slowly, loosen one's hair, and relax the body to lead the heart to an active state. Anything must be saved, not killed; everything must be given, not taken; one must reward, not punish. These are responses to the vitality of spring and the ways of nurturing life. Not following them would harm the liver and induce cold diseases in summer, which will lessen the energy of growing.
夏三月, 此謂蕃秀. 天地氣交, 萬物華實, 夜臥早起, 無厭於日, 使志無怒, 使華英成秀, 使氣得泄, 若所愛在外. 此夏氣之應, 養長之道也. 逆之則傷心, 秋爲痎瘧, 奉收者少, 冬至重病.
The three months of summer are called the period of luxurious growth. It is when heaven and earth intermingle and all things bloom and begin to bear fruit. One must sleep late and wake up early, must not avoid sunlight, must not get angry, and must enable oneself to develop. Let one's own gi communicate with the outside world, and act as though one loves everything outside. These are responses to the vitality of summer and ways of growing and cultivating life. Those who disobey the laws of summer will have their hearts injured. In autumn, malaria would be induced which will lessen the energy for harvest and eventually cause grave disease in winter.
秋三月, 此謂容平. 天氣以急, 地氣以明, 早臥早起, 與雞俱興, 使志安寧, 以緩秋刑, 收斂神氣, 使秋氣平, 無外其志, 使肺氣淸. 此秋氣之應, 養收之道也. 逆之則傷肺, 冬爲飱泄, 奉藏者少.
The three months of autumn are called the period of tranquillity of one's conduct. It is when heaven qi cools and earth qi clears. One must sleep early and wake up early at the sound of the rooster crowing, and calm one's mind to subdue the rigid qi of autumn and collect spirit qi. Adjust autumn qi, do not let one's mind bother with the outside, and clear lung qi. These are responses to the vitality of autumn and ways of the method for the protect of one's harvest. Not following these would harm the lungs and cause indigestion and diarrhea in winter, which will lessen the energy stored.
冬三月, 此謂閉藏. 水氷地坼, 無擾乎陽, 早臥晩起, 必待日光, 使志若伏若匿, 若有私意, 若已有得, 去寒就溫, 無泄皮膚, 使氣亟奪. 此冬氣之應, 養藏之道也. 逆之則傷腎, 春爲痿厥, 奉生者少.
The three months of winter are called the period of closing and storing. It is when water freezes, earth cracks, and yang becomes still. One must sleep early and wake up after the sun rises and act as if hiding something in the mind. Head more towards warm places than cold places, and protect the skin as not to let qi leak from the body. These are responses to the vitality of winter and ways of the method for the protection of one's nurturing and storage. Not following them would harm the lungs.
夫四時陰陽者, 萬物之根本也. 所以聖人春夏養陽, 秋冬養陰, 以從其根. 故與萬物沈浮於生長之門, 逆其根則伐其本, 壞其眞矣. 故陰陽四時者, 萬物之終始也. 死生之本也. 逆之則災害生, 從之則苛疾不起, 是謂得道. 《內經》
The four seasons and yin-yang are the roots of all things. That is why a wise person raises yang during spring and summer and raises yin during autumn and winter to follow the core of this advice. Like this, life draws the curve of ups and downs according to the birth, growth, maturation, and death of yin-yang. Violating such origin would be the same as cutting off the roots of a tree, which leads to the disappearance of the truth. Therefore, yin-yang and the four seasons are the beginning and ending of all things in the universe and the origin of life and death. Violating the core teachings would cause calamity, and following the core teachings would ensure a healthy life. This is what the wise ancestors called knowing the Dao.
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