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Dongui Bogam

Dongui Bogam_08_Three Energy Fields

by autumn wind 2023. 12. 19.


[There Are Three Energy Fields]

仙經曰, 腦爲髓海, 上丹田, 心爲絳宮, 中丹田, 臍下三寸, 爲下丹田. 
下丹田, 藏精之府也. 中丹田, 藏神之府也. 上丹田, 藏氣之府也.
It is said in the Classic of the Immortals (仙經): 
"The brain is the sea of marrow, it is the upper energy field. The part of the body 3 cun under the umbilicus is the lower energy field
The lower energy field stores essence(精), 
the middle energy field stores spirit(神), 
and the upper energy field stores qi(氣)." 

悟眞篇註曰, 人之一身, 禀天地之秀氣而有生, 託陰陽陶鑄而成形. 故一身之中, 以精氣神爲主, 神生於氣, 氣生於精. 
故修眞之士, 若執己身而修之, 無過煉治精氣神三物而已.
It is said in the Annotation of Essay on the Comprehension of Truth (悟眞篇), 
"The human body takes in the outstanding qi of the universe and takes its form according to the frame of yin-yang. Speaking of the origin of the three main things which rule over the body, essence, qi, and spirit,
spirit comes from qi, and qi comes from essence. 
Therefore, if the person who cultivates the truth trains his or her own body, 
there is no other way but to cultivate essence, gi, and spirit." 

邵康節曰, 神統於心, 氣統於腎, 形統於首. 形氣交而神主乎其中, 三才之道也.
Shao Kangjie said, "Spirit is controlled by the heart, gi is controlled by the kidneys, and the body is controlled by the head. Body and qi meet, and spirit mediates in between; this is the way of the Triple Gifts, which leads to the perfection of the body."

仙經曰, 背後有三關, 腦後曰玉枕關, 夾脊曰轆轤關, 水火之際曰尾閭關. 皆精氣升降往來之道路也. 
若得斗柄之機斡運, 則上下循環如天河之流轉也.
[There Are Three Passages on the Back]
It is said in the Classic of the Immortals (仙經): 
"There are three passages on the back of the body; 
the back of the head is called the BL-9 passage 
and both sides of the spine are together called the pulley passage
and where Water and Fire meet is called the coccygeal passage
The three passages are the roads through which essence-qi(精氣) moves
If the three passages stay well as the handle of the Big Dipper, the flow of essence-qi would be as smooth as the flow of the Milky Way flowing along the Big Dipper." 

翠虛篇曰, 採之煉之未片餉, 一氣眇眇通三關, 三關來往氣無窮, 一道白脉朝泥丸, 泥丸之上紫金鼎, 鼎中一塊紫金團, 
化爲玉漿流入口, 香甛淸爽遍舌端.
In the Essay on the Jade Void (翠虛篇) it says: 
"One single thread of qi flows through the three passages vaguely a short while after training and cultivating. Qi flows through the three passages endlessly, and a single thread of pulse gathers at the mud ball palace(泥丸). Above this mud ball palace is a violet-gold caldron(紫金鼎), and there is a mass-colored violet-gold(紫金團) inside the caldron. It transforms itself into saliva and flows into the mouth, and the clear gi melts into the tip of the tongue." 

參同契註曰, 人身氣血, 往來循環于上下, 晝夜不停, 猶江河之水, 東流至于海而不竭, 殊不知名山大川孔穴皆相通也. 
水由地中行, 盖循環相往來也. 日月之行亦然.
It is said in the Annotation on the Token of the Agreement of the Three (參同契), 
"Qi and blood flow up and down the body endlessly during the day and night. It is similar to the river flowing endlessly to the cast towards the sea and yet never drying out. The reason for not depleting is because the hole of the mountains and the river is interconnected. Water flows underneath the earth. So is the cycle of sun and moon."