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Dongui Bogam

Dongui Bogam_42_Five viscera and Six bowels

by autumn wind 2023. 12. 21.

[Five viscera and Six bowels]

先儒嘆, 世人務窮天地萬物之理, 不知我之一身, 五藏六府, 毛髮筋骨之所存, 況醫者乎. 《入門》
A wise man in the past lamented that "People study the creation of the heaven and earth but do not know the principles of how their own five viscera and six bowels, hair, muscles, and bones originated. Would not it be the most important for doctors to know these principles?!"

內經曰, 言人身之藏府中陰陽, 則藏者爲陰, 府者爲陽, 肝心脾肺腎五藏皆爲陰, 膽胃大腸小腸膀胱三焦六府皆爲陽.
The Inner Classic (內經) says, "In terms of the five viscera and six bowels, the five viscera are yin and the six bowels are yang. The liver, the heart, spleen, lungs, and kidneys are the five viscera and yin. The gallbladder, stomach, small intestine, large intestine, bladder, and the triple energizer are the six bowels and yang."

靈樞曰, 五藏者, 所以藏精神血氣魂魄者也. 六府者, 所以化水穀而行津液者也.
Divine Pivot (靈樞) says, "The five viscera store essence, spirit, blood, qi, the heavenly soul, and the earthly soulThe six bowels transform water and food to make fluid and humor flow." 

內經曰, 五藏者, 藏精氣而不瀉也. 故滿而不實. 六府者, 傳化物而不藏. 故實而不滿. 所以然者, 水穀入口則胃實而腸虛, 食下則腸實而胃虛.
The Inner Classic (內經) says, "The five viscera store essence and qi but do not discharge. Therefore, they are full but not filled. On the other hand, the six bowels digest food but do not store it. Thus, they are filled but not full. That is because when food enters the mouth and proceeds to the stomach, the stomach is filled, but the intestines are empty; and when food proceeds down, the intestines are filled but the stomach is empty. 

脾胃大腸小腸三焦膀胱者, 倉廩之本, 營之居也. 名曰器, 能化糟粕轉味而出入者也.
The spleen, stomach, large intestine, small intestine, triple energizer, and bladder are the bases for the storage of water and food. There are also locations where nutrition stays. These are called receptacles. They change water and food into waste. They receive and transform the five tastes and excrete them.

靈樞曰, 肺合大腸, 大腸者, 傳道之府. 心合小腸, 小腸者, 受盛之府. 肝合膽, 膽者, 中正之府. 脾合胃, 胃者, 五穀之府. 腎合膀胱, 膀胱者, 津液之府也. 少陰屬腎, 腎上連肺, 故將兩藏. 三焦者, 中瀆之府, 水道出焉, 屬膀胱, 是孤之府也. 是六府之所與合者也.
Divine Pivot (靈樞) says, "The lungs correspond to the large intestine. The large intestine is the office of conveyance. The heart corresponds to the small intestine. The small intestine is the organ with the role of an official of receiving plenitude. The liver corresponds to the gallbladder. The gallbladder is the mediator organ. The spleen corresponds to the stomach. The stomach is the residence of water and grain. The kidneys correspond to the bladder. The bladder is the house of body fluid. Lesser yin is connected to the kidneys. Since the kidneys are connected to the lungs, lesser yin controls two organs. The triple energizer is the organ with water communication where the waterway originates from. It only corresponds to the bladder so it does not have a pair. This is how the six bowels correspond."

靈樞曰, 五藏常內閱于上七竅也. 故肺氣通於鼻, 肺和則鼻能知香臭矣. 心氣通於舌, 心和則舌能知五味矣. 肝氣通於目, 肝和則目能辨五色矣. 脾氣通於口, 脾和則口能知五穀矣. 腎氣通於耳, 腎和則耳能聞五音矣. 五藏不和則七竅七一作九不通, 六府不和則留結爲癰.
Divine Pivot (靈樞) says, "The five viscera always control the seven orifices of the face. Lung qi corresponds to the nose so when lung qi is harmonized, the nose can smell. Heart qi corresponds to the tongue so when heart gi is harmonized, the tongue can differentiate taste. Liver qi corresponds to the eyes so when liver gi is harmonized, the eyes can differentiate the five colors. Spleen qi corresponds to the mouth so when spleen gi is harmonized, it can differentiate the five grains. Kidney qi corresponds to the ears so when kidney qi is harmonized, the ears can hear the five sounds. When the five viscera are not harmonized, the seven orifices will be obstructed. If the six bowels are not harmonized, the pathogen will stay to form an abscess."

靈樞曰, 鼻者, 肺之官也. 肺病則喘息鼻張. 目者, 肝之官也. 肝病者, 眥靑. 口脣者, 脾之官也. 脾病者, 脣黃. 舌者, 心之官也. 心病者, 舌卷短, 顴赤. 耳者, 腎之官也. 腎病者, 顴與顔黑, 耳焦枯.
Divine Pivot (靈樞) says, "The nose is the organ of the lungs. When the lungs are diseased, the person will experience dyspnea, and the nostrils will flare. The eyes are the organ of the liver. When the liver is diseased, the inner and outer canthus will become bluish. The mouth and lips are the organs of the spleen. When the spleen is diseased, the lips will become yellowish. The tongue is the organ of the heart. When the heart is diseased, the tongue will roll back and shorten and the cheekbones will become red. The ears are the organ of the kidneys. When the kidneys are diseased, the cheekbones and face will become black and the ears will be dry."

靈樞曰, 五藏皆小者, 苦焦心, 多愁憂, 五藏皆大者, 緩于事, 難使以憂. 五藏皆高者, 好高擧措, 五藏皆下者, 好出人下. 五藏皆堅者, 無病, 五藏皆脆者, 不離于病. 五藏皆端正者, 和利得人心. 五藏皆偏傾者, 邪心而善盜, 不可以爲人平, 反覆言語也.
Divine Pivot(靈樞) says, If all five viscera are small, the person will easily be frightened and anxious. If all five viscera are big, the person will not be anxious and be able to perform jobs in a relaxed state. If all five viscera are located higher than normal, the person will want to work in a high position. If all five viscera are located lower than normal, the person will want to work under other people. If all five viscera are strong, the person will not have any disease. If all five viscera are weak, the person will always have disease. If all five viscera are tidy, the person will be gentle and will gain other people's minds. If all five viscera are slanted, the person will have an evil mind and tend to steal, so the person is unjust and tends to change his or her word."

內經曰, 神藏五, 形藏四, 合爲九藏. 肝藏魂, 心藏神, 脾藏意, 肺藏魄, 腎藏志, 是謂神藏五也. 一頭角, 二耳目, 三口齒, 四胸中, 以其如器外張虛而不屈, 以藏於物, 故曰, 形藏四也.
The Inner Classic (內經) says, "The five spirit organs and the four substantial organs add up to the nine organs. The liver stores the heavenly soul, the heart stores the spirit, the spleen stores ideation, the lungs store the earthly soul, and the kidneys store will. These are the five spirit organs. The four substantial organs are so-called frame organs since they resemble a bowl with trim on the outside and empty inside and with spaces within where objects can be stored. The first one is the corners of the forehead, the second ears and eyes, the third is the mouth and teeth, and the fourth is the chest. They are called the four substantial organs.

內經曰, 腦髓骨脉膽女子胞, 此六者, 地氣之所生, 名曰奇恒之府. 註謂奇異於恒常之府.
The Inner Classic (內經) says, "The brain, marrow, bones, blood vessels, gallbladder, and uterus are called the extraordinary bowels since they are produced by earthly gi. The Annotation says, "They are different from the six bowels."

黃帝問曰, 邪之中人藏, 奈何. 岐伯對曰, 愁憂恐懼則傷心. 形寒寒飮則傷肺難經, 寒飮作飮冷, 以其兩寒相感, 中外皆傷, 故氣逆而上行. 有所墮墜, 惡血留內, 若有所大怒, 氣上而不下, 積于脇下則傷肝. 有所擊仆, 若醉入房, 汗出當風則傷脾. 有所用力擧重, 若入房過度, 汗出浴水則傷腎. 《靈樞》
Huangdi asked, "What happens if the five viscera are affected by pathogens?" 
Qibo answered "Anxiety or fear can damage the heart. Drinking a cold beverage when the body is cold can damage the lungs. This is the case where the Cold Damages both inside and outside. Therefore, qi counterflows upward. When a person tumbles down and accumulates bad blood in the body or gets angry to let gi flow upward and stay in the ribcage, the liver will get damaged. If the person falls down after bumping, has intercourse in a drunken state, or exposes him or herself to wind right after sweating, it can damage the spleen. If the person lifts a heavy object with effort, has excessive sexual intercourse, or takes a shower right after sweating, it can cause damage to the kidneys."

難經曰, 正經自病者, 憂愁思慮則傷心, 形寒飮冷則傷肺, 恚怒氣逆上而不下則傷肝, 飮食勞倦則傷脾, 久坐濕地, 强力入房則傷腎. 是正經自病者也.
The Classic of Difficult Issues (難經) says, "Diseases originating spontaneously from one's own meridians are due to the following reasons. Anxiety, concern, and too many thoughts may damage the heart. Drinking cold beverages while the body is cold can damage the lungs. If the upflow of qi due to anger does not come back down, it can damage the liver. Damage from food or exhaustion can cause spleen damage. Sitting in a damp place for a long time or having exhaustive intercourse can damage the kidneys. These are the cases where diseases from one's own meridians spontaneously occur."

內經曰, 五藏不平, 六府閉塞之所生也.
The Inner Classic (內經) says, "Disharmony of the five viscera is because of obstructions of the six bowels. 

五藏穿鑿論曰, 心與膽相通, 心病怔忡, 宜溫膽爲主, 膽病戰慄癲狂, 宜補心爲主. 肝與大腸相通, 肝病宜疏通大腸, 大腸病宜平肝經爲主. 脾與小腸相通, 脾病宜瀉小腸火, 小腸病宜潤脾土爲主. 肺與膀胱相通, 肺病宜淸利膀胱水, 膀胱病宜淸肺氣爲主. 腎與三焦相通, 腎病宜調和三焦, 三焦病宜補腎爲主. 此合一之妙也. 《入門》
In-depth research about the five viscera in the Inner Classic (五藏穿鑿論) says, "The heart and gallbladder are related to each other. Therefore, when a patient feels fearful throbbing due to heart disease, the treatment should be focused on warming the gallbladder. When a patient shivers with a cold and has mania-withdrawal syndrome due to gallbladder disease, the treatment should be focused on tonifying the heart. The liver and large intestine are related to each other. Therefore, when a patient has a liver disease, the treatment should be focused on freeing the large intestine. For a large intestine disease, the treatment should be focused on easing the liver meridian. The spleen and small intestine are related to each other. Therefore, for a spleen disease, the treatment should be focused on purging Fire. For a small intestine disease, the treatment should be focused on tonifying spleen Earth. The lungs and bladder are related to each other. Therefore, for lung disease, treatment should be focused on excreting bladder water, and for bladder disease, the treatment should be focused on clearing lung qi. The kidneys and triple energizer are related to each other. For kidney disease, harmonize the triple energizer, and for the triple energizer disease, tonify the kidneys." This is very logical and corresponds to the principles precisely.