[仙人 發貴理 頌歌]
大一其極이 是名良氣라
無有而混하고 虛粗而妙라
三一其軆오 一三其用이니
混妙一環이오 軆用無歧라
大虛有光하니 是神之像이오
大氣長存하니 是神之化라
眞命所源이오 萬法是生이니
日月之子오 天神之衷이라
以照以線하야 圓覺而能하며
大降于世하야 有萬其衆이니라
故로 圓者는 一也니 無極이오
方者는 二也니 反極이오
角者는 三也니 太極이니라
[The Hymn of the Immortal Balguiri, He Who Attended the Offering Ritual for Samsin Sangjenim in Heaven]
The immortal Balguiri lived during the Sinsi era. He studied under the same teacher as Daeho (Taeho; Taeho Bokhui), and after becoming enlightened to the dao, he traveled the Bangjeo and Pungsan regions, attaining much renown. In Asadal he witnessed an offering ritual for heaven, after which he immediately composed a hymn that read as follows:
The Great One is called the benevolent qi for its utmost sublimity,
Non-being and being constitute a harmonious whole, and Emptiness and fullness are profound.
Three makes One its substance. One makes Three its function.
Harmony and profundity circulate as one, and Substance and function do not deviate.
Radiance is within the great void, and It is the image of God.
The great qi of heaven and earth is infinite, and This is the creation-transformation of God.
It is from that the true life fountainhead and from that all laws spring forth.
It is the seed of the sun and moon, the true mind of God in Heaven (Sangje)!
As the Great One, it shines bright, Casting forth a lifeline.
So, One who becomes enlightened attains great power.
As the benevolent qi grandly descends to the world, A great multitude of people are born.
The circle is thus One, the Mugeuk of Heaven,
The square is Two, the Bangeuk of Earth,
The triangle is Three, the Taegeuk of Humanity.
English translation: from Jeung San Do Sangsaeng Research Institute
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