[Sicheonju: Serve Sangjenim Who Incarnated into This World]
1“The Sicheonjuju Mantra embodies the basis of heaven and earth. 2The Sicheonjuju Mantra abounds with majestic qi, so all who chant it faithfully will find all their wishes within their reach.”
3시천주주 (侍天主呪)
The Sicheonjuju Mantra
侍天主造化定 永世不忘萬事知 至氣今至願爲大降
시천주조화정 영세불망만사지 지기금지원위대강
Si-cheon-ju Jo-hwa-jeong Yeong-se-bul-mang-man-sa-ji
4“Even should you suffer untold hardships and a bitter death while single-heartedly devoting yourself to my supreme dao, 5the spirits in heaven and earth will admire and celebrate you, and your life in heaven will be indescribably glorious.”
[Dojeon 2:114]
The Sicheonjuju Mantra, the root mantra of the Supreme Dao of Mugeuk, is a mantra for receiving a heavenly mandate. The mantra avows that we must faithfully revere Sangjenim and serve Him as though He were our own parent.
[Dojeon 11:139]
Here are 10 guided questions for Sicheonjuju Mantra, after reading the Dojeon verses below, try to answer those questions below:
1) Mantra Essence: What is the significance of the Sicheonjuju Mantra according to the provided JSD Dojeon information? How does it embody the basis of heaven and earth?
2) Healing Power: Share a story from the information about someone who experienced healing through faithfully chanting the Sicheonjuju Mantra. How does this illustrate the transformative effects of the mantra?
3) Historical Connection: Explain the historical event associated with Sangjenim's stay in Waryong-ri Village in 1908 and the role of the Sicheonjuju Mantra in that event.
4) Role in Renewal: How did Sangjenim use the chanting of the Sicheonjuju Mantra to bring about the renewal and unification of the world as mentioned in the Dojeon verses?
5) Dao Conveyance: Share the story of Sangjenim conveying the dao to six shamans using the Sicheonjuju Mantra. What significance does this event hold in the context of the teachings?
6) Cheongsu Symbolism: What is the significance of offering cheongsu to six shamans and chanting the Sicheonjuju Mantra during the conveyance of dao, as described in the Dojeon?
7) Uitong Preparation: According to Taemonim, how is the Sicheonjuju Mantra related to uitong, and why is it emphasized for faithful chanting in preparation for uitong?
8) Mysterious Disease: What did Sangjenim program regarding a mysterious disease and the role of chanting the Sicheonjuju Mantra in surviving during that time of crisis?
9) Taemonim's Preference: Why did Taemonim shift the emphasis to chanting the Sicheonjuju Mantra for daily practice, and how did she express her devotion to it?
10) Prayer for Humanity: Describe the grand prayer conducted by Taemonim for humanity's deliverance and happiness. How does the Sicheonjuju Mantra play a role in this prayer?
[You Need Only Chant the Sicheonjuju Mantra Faithfully]
1The wife of Hwang Gong-seon of Haejeon-ri Village in Jeonju County, who had been suffering from severe stomach pains for two years, 2visited Taemonim on March 29, accompanied by Gim Jae-yun.
“Why is your belly so swollen?” Taemonim asked her.
“I suffer from severe stomach congestion.”
3“Do you have enough money to buy medicine?”
“My family is poor,” she replied. “We have no means to afford medicine.”
4Taemonim counseled her, “Since that is so, you need only chant the Sicheonjuju Mantra faithfully.” 5Gong-seon’s wife returned home and chanted the Sicheonjuju Mantra with one mind, and her illness was completely cured within days.
[All Creation-Transformation Lies Within the Sicheonjuju Mantra]
6When the disciples healed the sick, they did so mainly by chanting the Sicheonjuju Mantra, and there was no illness that they could not heal.
7Taemonim one day declared, “All creation-transformation lies within the Sicheonjuju Mantra.”
[Dojeon 11:148]
1In October 1908, Sangjenim stayed at Mun Gong-sin’s house in Waryong-ri Village to conduct a major work of renewal. 2He revealed to the disciples, “We now face a time of overwhelming turmoil. If governance with the supreme dao is to be established for all ages, the Hwanggeuk Spirit must be relocated to Joseon. 3The Hwanggeuk Spirit is presently with Emperor Guangxu of the Qing Dynasty.” 4Sangjenim continued, “The cause of the Hwanggeuk Spirit’s return to Joseon can be traced to Song U-am’s raising of the Mandongmyo Shrine.”
5Sangjenim chanted the Sicheonjuju Mantra with a specific rhythm and had the disciples chant it in the very same manner every night.
6After the disciples had chanted in this manner for several days, Sangjenim said to them, “This chanting evokes the sound of a funeral procession. 7The sound of the laments in a funeral procession is called eoro (御路), and eoro is the ‘pathway of the king.’ 8I have now cleared the pathway for the Hwanggeuk Spirit.”
9Sangjenim then suddenly thundered, “The sangssireum is toppling over!” At that very instant, the Qing Emperor Guangxu died.
10Continuing the work of renewal for uniting the world as one family under a united sovereignty, 11Sangjenim had the disciples prostrate themselves on their knees before him, and he then proclaimed, “I now withdraw the qi of the emperors and kings of all nations. Behold the sky.”
12The disciples raised their eyes to the sky and beheld mysterious energy coalescing into clouds which took on the form of an emperor’s majestic procession. This procession of clouds eventually faded away.
13One of the disciples then asked Sangjenim, “You have said that if the Hwanggeuk Spirit comes to this Eastern land, Joseon will become the great bright center of the world. When this comes to pass, what will befall China?”
14“Where I reside will become the great bright center of the world,” Sangjenim answered. “In the future, China will fragment into many countries.”
[Dojeon 5:175]
1During His time in Baegam-ri Village, Sangjenim one day ordered Gyeong-hak, “Bring Me six shamans.”2When the six shamans arrived, Sangjenim had Gyeong-hak remove their cloth headdresses and overcoats and guide each shaman in offering a bowl of cheongsu. Sangjenim told the six shamans, “Prostrate four times toward the bowls of cheongsu.”3He then recited the Sicheonjuju Mantra three times and had each of the six shamans repeat this chanting of the mantra.4Asking their names and addresses, Sangjenim inquired, “Are your names known to all people?”
“Yes, that is indeed so,” all six shamans replied.
5Sangjenim then commanded the six shamans, “Drink the cheongsu.” The shamans obeyed His command, and Sangjenim revealed to them, “Cheongsu is sustenance and blessings.”
6Sangjenim proclaimed, “I have now conveyed dao to six people, so this shall be the greatest learning under heaven.7Now is the age of the resolution of bitterness and grief. Conveying My dao begins with the humble and poor.”
[Dojeon 6:40]
1On the night of January 14, at Choe Deok-gyeom’s house in Deokdu-ri Village, Sangjenim wrote the word saeul and then burned the paper.2He then commanded Deok-gyeom, “Travel to Choe Chang-jo’s house in Saeul Village and convey My dao.”
3When Deok-gyeom inquired as to how he should carry out this command, Sangjenim replied, “First, clean a quiet room at Chang-jo’s house, then place in the room a large pot of cheongsu, and gather practitioners of dao.4When this has been done, set forty-nine spoons before the pot and have these practitioners chant the Sicheonjuju Mantra seven times.5Next, gather the spoons in your hands and use them to make a metallic ringing sound. Continue this and chant the Sicheonjuju Mantra until the rooster crows. Anyone who falls asleep before the crowing of the rooster will die.”
6Deok-gyeom went to Chang-jo’s house and carried out all that had been commanded of him.
[Dojeon 6:75]
1During the summer of 1908 (DG 38) when Sangjenim was sojourning in Waryong-ri Village of Gobu County,2He one day commanded Bak Gong-u, “In your mind, select a vanguard of six.”3Gong-u began contemplating six candidates. However, when he considered one person in particular, Sangjenim declared, “Impossible.” And so, Gong-u decided upon another instead.
4That evening, Sangjenim summoned the six people Gong-u had chosen, and when the night deepened, He had them extinguish the oil lamp and pace the room while chanting the Sicheonjuju Mantra. Suddenly, one of the men collapsed.5The others stopped chanting in alarm, but Sangjenim commanded, “Do not be frightened—continue chanting.”
6The remaining five continued the chanting. When they stopped after a time and lit the lamp, they saw that it was Son Byeong-uk who had fallen, and that he was dead.
7“He died because his body was impure,” Sangjenim revealed. “I attached the qi of Son Byeong-hui to him, but he could not endure it.”8Sangjenim took a mouthful of water and sprayed it on Byeong-uk’s face, and Byeong-uk regained consciousness, though just barely.9“Call out to Me,” ordered Sangjenim. Byeong-uk faintly called out to Sangjenim and was swiftly revitalized.
10Sangjenim then declared, “The Sicheonjuju Mantra contains an immense reservoir of qi.” 11Moreover, He said to Byeong-uk, “Had I left you as you were, it would have been tantamount to abandoning you in a field to be trampled by cattle and horses and become fodder for crows and magpies, so I had you undergo what you just endured.”
12Sangjenim next proclaimed to all present, “In the future, a mysterious disease will rage across the entire world. 13There will come a time when those who slumber will not rise from where they sleep and will die, when those who are sitting will not have a chance to rise from their seats and will die, when those who are walking will collapse on the road and will die. A stone’s throw will seem like a thousand ri. 14At that time of crisis when people are dying before they have a chance to merely turn around, all who call out to Me shall survive.”
15The person whom Sangjenim had rejected from Gong-u’s intended vanguard of six died several days later.
[Dojeon 7:23]
1In Her daily dealings, Taemonim chanted primarily the Taeeulju Mantra to address matters related to the way of spirits and human affairs.2One day, She summoned the disciples into a room and had them seat themselves in rows, then revealed,3“In the past, your Father once whispered into My ear in the presence of many of His disciples, ‘You must chant the Sicheonjuju Mantra.’”4She then chanted the Sicheonjuju Mantra and proclaimed, “The Sicheonjuju Mantra is most fundamental, so chant the Sicheonjuju Mantra from this time forth.”
5The disciples thenceforth chanted primarily the Sicheonjuju Mantra as they served in Her works of renewal.
6When Taemonim chanted the Sicheonjuju Mantra, She often rose from Her seat and merrily danced, chanting exuberantly.
[The Sicheonjuju Mantra Is the Mantra for Uitong]
7One day, as Taemonim was conducting a work of renewal regarding uitong, She declared, “The Sicheonjuju Mantra is the mantra for uitong, so chant it innumerable times to faithfully prepare yourselves for uitong.”
8She also said, “The sangssireum workers are those who faithfully chant the Sicheonjuju Mantra, so if you chant the Sicheonjuju Mantra with devotion, you will win the ox in the sangssireum showdown.”
[Dojeon 11:74]
[Taemonim Prays for Humanity’s Deliverance and Happiness]
1Taemonim often said, “You shall be delivered only if you believe in and heed heaven and earth, so revere heaven and earth as you would revere your own parents.”
2On May 25, Taemonim prepared a grand prayer to heaven and earth for the resolution of humanity’s karma of sins and for new happiness for all people. 3In the yard, She had an altar placed in each of the four directions. At each altar, She had a flag erected: in the east, a green flag; in the west, a white flag; in the south, a red flag; and in the north, a black flag. 4In the center of the yard, She had a three-tiered altar built and had raised a large yellow flag bearing a blue dragon and a yellow dragon. 5Designating Gahng Eung-chil as the main principal, She appointed the principals of the four directions: Jeon Jun-yeop for the east, Gahng Won-seop for the west, Yi Geun-mok for the south, and Go Chan-hong for the north.6She then had fifteen people, including Jeon Jun-yeop, attend the green flag in the east. 7She had another fifteen people, including Gahng Won-seop, attend the white flag in the west.8She had another fifteen people, including Yi Geun-mok, attend the red flag in the south. 9She had yet another fifteen people, including Go Chan-hong, attend the black flag in the north. 10She had fifty-five people, including Go Min-hwan, attend the yellow flag in the center. 11Thereafter, She had one large lantern and fourteen small lanterns hung above the center altar, and She had fifteen small lanterns hung above each of the other altars.
12Taemonim had an offering of food arranged on each of the five altars and instructed people to offer prostrations toward each of the altars. 13She had them loudly chant the Sicheonjuju Mantra; then, with one mind, She prayed to Sangjenim that humanity’s karma of sins would be resolved and that new happiness would be bestowed upon the entire world. 14At this time, the wind was perfectly still, so the flags in the four directions did not stir at all. 15However, the yellow flag in the center fluttered, spraying a rain of yellow water in the four directions. All the disciples’ clothes were stained yellow.
[Dojeon 11:94]
[Praising Sacred Venerable Matteo Ricci]
1Taemonim had the disciples erect an altar in the yard and array a food offering in the manner of a chiseong.2She had them lay out eggs and Western liquor as well as a bowl of steamed rice mixed with eggs, and as She offered this food, She said, “Please enjoy this food.”3Taemonim then announced to the disciples, “This is the work of renewal for praising Matteo Ricci’s wondrous ways of immortality4and extolling his undertaking of the founding of the Later Heaven’s Paradise of Immortality.” She then instructed the disciples to chant the Sicheonjuju Mantra.
5After completing this work of renewal, Taemonim declared, “Matteo Ricci must be honored most highly with offering rituals.6Matteo Ricci is the Great King of the Western Myeongbu.”
[Dojeon 11:104]
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