Dongui Bogam_36_The Five Viscera Store the Seven Spirits
[The Five Viscera Store the Seven Spirits]
內經曰, 五藏所藏, 心藏神, 肺藏魄, 肝藏魂, 脾藏意, 腎藏志. 又曰, 脾藏意與智, 腎藏精與志, 是謂七神. 註云, 神者, 精氣之化成也. 魄者, 精氣之匡佐也. 魂者, 神氣之輔弼也. 意者, 記而不忘者也. 志者, 專意而不移者也.
The Inner Classic (內經) says, "What the five viscera store are as follow: the heart stores spirit, the lungs store the earthly soul, the liver stores the heavenly soul, the spleen stores ideation, and the kidneys store will." It also says, "The spleen stores ideation and wisdom, and the kidneys store essence and will; they are called the seven spirits." The Annotation says, "Spirit is the result of a change in essence qi. The heavenly soul helps essence-qi to work properly. The earthly soul assists spirit-qi. Ideation means to remember and not forget. The will is to keep one's mind consistent and not to change."
靈樞曰, 兩精相薄謂之神, 隨神往來謂之魂, 幷精出入謂之魄, 心有所憶謂之意, 意之所存謂之志, 因慮而處物謂之智也.
Divine Pivot (靈樞) says, "That which comes into being when the essence(精) of two people bind together is called spirit(神). That which follows spirit in and out is called the heavenly soul(魂). That which comes in and out with essence is called the earthly soul(魄). Remembering by one's mind is called ideation(意). That which embraces ideation is called will(志). Handling things by thinking first is called wisdom(智)."
[When the Qi of the Five Viscera Are Gone, the Spirit Is Exposed]
一士人喜觀書忘食, 一日有紫衣人立於前曰, 公不可苦思, 思則我死矣. 問其何人. 曰我穀神也. 於是絶思而食如故矣. 《延壽書》
There was a scholar who liked to read books and he often forgot to eat. One day, a man wearing claret clothes appeared in front of him and said, "You must not think too deeply, for I die if you think a lot." He asked, "Who are you?" The man answered, "I am the spirit of food." Thus, the scholar stopped thinking and ate food as before.
無錫游氏子, 以酒色得疾, 常見兩女子, 衣服鮮麗, 冉冉至腰而沒. 醫曰, 此腎神也. 腎絶則神不守舍, 故見於外也. 《醫說》
The son of Mr. You (游氏) of Wuxi region (無錫) got sick because of alcohol and women. Two women, finely dressed, approached his waist slowly and then disappeared all the time. The doctor said, "This is the spirit of the kidneys. When kidney qi is exhausted, the spirit cannot stay. It is why the spirit is exposed."